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Override a default method using lambdas




Given a simple interface with a default method:

private interface A {
    default void hello() {

And a method that accepts an instance of it:

private static void print(A a) {

I can override this using an anonymous class:

print(new A() {
        public void hello() {

but if I try with a lambda print(() -> System.out.println("OverHello2"));, I get a compilation error.

No target method found

Is there a way to make the override with a lambda?

like image 682
T4l0n Avatar asked Jan 20 '16 15:01


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It is not mandatory to override the default method in Java. If we are using Only one interface in a Program then at a time we are using only a single default method and at that time Overriding is not required as shown in the below program: Java.

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1 Answers

No, because your interface does not have exactly one unimplemented method (that a lambda could provide the implementation for).

See @FunctionalInterface.

like image 155
Bohemian Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 22:10
