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Overloading Java function with List<> parameter

I have 2 classes

public class Customer{
  public String getCustomerNumber();

public class Applicant{
   private Customer c;
   public Customer getCustomer(){ return c; }

When presented with a list of customers or applicants I want a function which iterates the list and does something with the CustomerNumber.

I've tried overloading the function

public void processCustomerNumbers(List<Customer> custList)

public void processCustomerNumbers(List<Applicant> appList)

but these are seen as duplicate methods... is there a nice way of doing this rather than just having 2 differently named functions?

like image 935
MadMurf Avatar asked Feb 11 '10 00:02


People also ask

Can overloaded methods have different parameters?

No, you cannot overload a method based on different return type but same argument type and number in java. same name. different parameters (different type or, different number or both).

Does order of parameters matter in overloading?

Parameter Order: If the two methods have the same number of parameters and the same type of parameters but if the order of parameters is different, overloading works.

What are the three rules on which a method can be overloaded?

With respect to the method it overrides, the overriding method must follow following mandatory rules: It must have the same method name. It must have the same arguments. It must have the same return type.

What are the rules for method overloading in Java?

The argument list should be exactly the same as that of the overridden method. The return type should be the same or a subtype of the return type declared in the original overridden method in the superclass.

3 Answers

If you make both classes implement a common interface,

interface CustomerNumber {
    String getCustomerNumber();

public class Customer implements CustomerNumber {
  public String getCustomerNumber();

public class Applicant implements CustomerNumber {
   private Customer c;
   public Customer getCustomer() { return c; }
   public String getCustomerNumber() { return getCustomer().getCustomerNumber(); }

then you might be able to do what you want with just a single method:

public void processCustomerNumbers(List<? extends CustomerNumber> appList) {
    for (Customer c: appList) {
like image 102
finnw Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 21:10


The thing about generics in Java is that generic types are erased at runtime, so both of these methods compile to the same signature. You will need to have separate method names, or check the type of the list elements at runtime.

like image 24
danben Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 21:10


One way to workaround this issue would be to define custom list types like this:

class CustomerList extends ArrayList<Customer> {

class ApplicantList extends ArrayList<Applicant> {

Then the following overloading would be legal:

public void processCustomerNumbers(CustomerList custList)

public void processCustomerNumbers(ApplicantList appList)

However, I don't think that this would be a good idea. For a start, it hardwires particular implementation classes into your application's APIs.

A better approach is to define a common interface for Customer and Applicant that allows you to process them with one processCustomerNumbers method. (As described at length in other answers.)

like image 24
Stephen C Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 21:10

Stephen C