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Overlay an activity on another activity OR overlay a view over another

I have 2 classes, FirstActivity and SecondActivity.

First Activity

Intent intent=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),SecondActivity.class); startActivity(intent); 

Is it possible for SecondActivity to overlay on FirstActivity? ie. FirstActivity gets dimmed, SecondActivity gets displayed on top of FirstActivity.

If it is not possible for 2 different activities, is it possible to do an overlay for 2 views in the same activity? I hope using dialog is not the only option.

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newbie Avatar asked Oct 24 '11 15:10


People also ask

How do you link two activities together?

this, ToActivity. class); startActivity(i); In this case the Intent uses your current Activity as the Context in the first parameter, and the destination Activity in the second parameter. Make sure that you add your second Activity to the manifest also (it resides in the tag)!

How do you overlay views on Android?

Simply use RelativeLayout or FrameLayout . The last child view will overlay everything else. Android supports a pattern which Cocoa Touch SDK doesn't: Layout management.

What is an Android overlay?

A screen overlay in Android, also referred to as “Draw On Top”, allows an app to display content over another app. The Android app permission SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW makes this possible. If you've ever used an app like Facebook Messenger or Lastpass, you've experienced screen overlay in action.

1 Answers

I suggest you set your second activity up as a dialog -- which will dim the background. Here is a tutorial that could be helpful:



Or you can simply set the theme in the manifest as a dialog for your SecondActivity.

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Alan Moore Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09

Alan Moore