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Overlay a canvas over a div

I have a div and I want to overlay a canvas exactly on top of it with the same width, height, padding and margins. Although I am using position: absolute like most questions here recommend and z-index the canvas is still showing underneath the div. This is the code I have until now.

<div id ="editor-section">  
     <div class="editable" id="editor"></div>

// the canvas is created / removed dynamically on connection / disconection 
hub.client.broadcastSomeoneConnected = function (connectionId, someoneConnected) 
    if (someoneConnected) {
        var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
        canvas.id = connectionId;
        canvas.className = 'canvases';
        canvas.style.border = '2px solid red';
        canvas.style.zIndex = zindex;  

        var parentDiv = document.getElementById("editor-section");

    } else { // someone disconnected

        var canvas = document.getElementById(connectionId);

 // css for all canvases
 .canvases {
     border:1px solid;
     padding: 5%;
     pointer-events: none;

 // css for editor div
 #editor {
     padding: 5%;
     border: 2px solid black;
     height: "700px";
     width: "100%";
     background-color: white;

PS: zindex is initialized globally because I need multiple canvases layered on top of each other and the editor eventually depending on the number of people connected

What am I doing wrong here? Thanks

like image 398
Bernice Avatar asked May 11 '13 22:05


People also ask

How do I overlay a canvas over a div?

We wrap the canvas and div in a container element, which is position: relative . Then the canvas and div are set to position: absolute . This is a great answer... but... When I have a large <div> the canvas element bleeds right thru the div, no matter what the z-index, the background color or background-image?

How do you make a canvas overlay?

First, I made the canvas' position absolute so it exists outside of the normal document flow. Next, I set the canvas' z-index to 2 so it's "on top" of the DOM. Finally, I set the pointer-events style to "none" so the canvas doesn't block the DOM from handling pointer events (e.g. click, hover, etc.)

Can you put a div in a canvas?

You cannot place elements inside a canvas (and have both displayed); they are only displayed if the browser does not understand the canvas element.

How do I overlap a div over an image?

Use z-index and top . This will layer the div on bottom, the image and then the span (overlay) on top. To set the positioning from the top edge, use top , which can be used with negative numbers if you need it to be higher on the Y axis than it's parent.

1 Answers

Almost there. Move width and height on the container, make it relative, and the editor and canvas absolutely positioned at 0,0 with 100% width/height. The zIndex of your editor must be lower than the zIndex of your canvas. fiddle

like image 118
nice ass Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10

nice ass