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Outer/tensor product in R




Given p vectors x1,x2,...,xp each of dimension d, what's the best way to compute their tensor/outer/Kruskal product (the p-array X with entries X[i1,i2,..ip] = x1[i1]x2[i2]...xp[ip])? Looping is trivial, but stupid. Using repeated calls to outer works OK, but doesn't seem like the optimal solution (and will get slower as p increases, obviously). Is there a better way?


My current best is

array(apply(expand.grid(x1, x2, x3), 1, prod), dim=rep(d, 3))

which at least "feels better"...

Edit 2: In response to @Dwin, here's a complete example

x1 = 1:d
x2 = 1:d+3
x3 = 1:d+6
array(apply(expand.grid(x1, x2, x3), 1, prod), dim=rep(d, 3))

, , 1

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]   28   35   42
[2,]   56   70   84
[3,]   84  105  126

, , 2

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]   32   40   48
[2,]   64   80   96
[3,]   96  120  144

, , 3

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]   36   45   54
[2,]   72   90  108
[3,]  108  135  162
like image 763
MMM Avatar asked Jan 06 '12 21:01


People also ask

What is outer product of tensors?

If the two vectors have dimensions n and m, then their outer product is an n × m matrix. More generally, given two tensors (multidimensional arrays of numbers), their outer product is a tensor. The outer product of tensors is also referred to as their tensor product, and can be used to define the tensor algebra.

What is a tensor product R?

tensor: Tensor product of arrays The tensor product of two arrays is notionally an outer product of the arrays collapsed in specific extents by summing along the appropriate diagonals. For example, a matrix product is the tensor product along the second extent of the first matrix and the first extent of the second.

What is the outer function in R?

outer() function in R Programming Language is used to apply a function to two arrays. Parameters: x, y: arrays. FUN: function to use on the outer products, default value is multiply.

3 Answers

It will be hard to beat the performance of outer. This ends up doing a matrix multiplication which is done by the BLAS library. Calling outer repeatedly doesn't matter either, since the last call will dominate both speed and memory wise. For example, for vectors of length 100, the last call is at least 100x slower than the previous one...

Your best bet to get the best performance here is to get the best BLAS library for R. The default one isn't very good. On Linux, you can fairly easily configure R to use ATLAS BLAS. On Windows it is harder, but possible. See R for Windows FAQ.

# multiple outer
mouter <- function(x1, ...) { 
    r <- x1
    for(vi in list(...)) r <- outer(r, vi)

# Your example
x1 = 1:d
x2 = 1:d+3
x3 = 1:d+6 

# Performance test
x <- runif(1e2)
system.time(mouter(x,x,x))   # 0 secs (less than 10 ms)
system.time(mouter(x,x,x,x)) # 0.5 secs / 0.35 secs (better BLAS)

I replaced my Windows Rblas.dll with the DYNAMIC_ARCH version of GOTO BLAS at this place which improved the time from 0.5 to 0.35 secs as seen above.

like image 120
Tommy Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 00:11


You can use tensor package.

And also %o% function

A <- matrix(1:6, 2, 3)
D <- A %o% A
like image 35
MYaseen208 Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 00:11


I find myself wondering if the kronecker product is what you want. I cannot tell from your problem description exactly what is desired, but the elements from this on a small set of arguments are the same (albeit in a different arrangement as those in produced by Chalasani solution you were criticizing as slow:

kronecker( outer(LETTERS[1:2], c(3, 4, 5),FUN=paste), letters[6:8] ,FUN=paste)
     [,1]    [,2]    [,3]   
[1,] "A 3 f" "A 4 f" "A 5 f"
[2,] "A 3 g" "A 4 g" "A 5 g"
[3,] "A 3 h" "A 4 h" "A 5 h"
[4,] "B 3 f" "B 4 f" "B 5 f"
[5,] "B 3 g" "B 4 g" "B 5 g"
[6,] "B 3 h" "B 4 h" "B 5 h"

If you want products, then substitute either prod or "*". In any case offering a sample set of vectors and the desired output is a best practice in posing questions.

like image 1
IRTFM Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11