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OSX Error dnvm: command not found

I am newbie to OSX. After following the step by step instructions from https://github.com/aspnet/home.

brew tap aspnet/dnx
brew update
brew install dnvm

I got the following error when I run dnvm upgrade:

$ dnvm upgrade

-bash: dnvm: command not found

I have tried locate the dnvm and looks like it is successfully installed in the \usr\local directory.

Is there a step I am missing?

like image 603
Vincent Leung Avatar asked May 15 '15 14:05

Vincent Leung

2 Answers

run source dnvm.sh after brew install dnvm and try to run dnvm then. Preferably, put this on your shell profile (e.g. inside .profile file) so that it will persist.

like image 62
tugberk Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 22:11


For this specific problem like the answer above mention just run source dnvm.sh

If you want to get up and running with asp.net 5 in OSX see how I fixed some problems on the way this blog post tutorial can help

like image 44
hjgraca Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 20:11
