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(OS X) Detecting when front app goes into fullscreen mode



I'm writing a "UIElement" app that shows a status window on the side of the screen, similar to the Dock.

Now, when a program takes over the entire screen, I need to hide my status window, just like the Dock does.

What are my options to detect this and the inverse event?

I like to avoid polling via a timed event and also cannot use undocumented tricks (such as suggested here)

What doesn't work:

  • Registering a Carbon Event Handler for the kEventAppSystemUIModeChanged event isn't sufficient - it works to detect VLC's full screen mode, but not for modern Cocoa apps that use the new fullscreen widget at the top right corner of their windows.

  • Similarly, following Apple's instructions about the NSApplication presentationOptions API by observing changes to the currentSystemPresentationOptions property does not help, either - again, it only informs about VLC's fullscreen mode, but not about apps using the window' top right fullscreen widget.

  • Monitoring changes to the screen configuration using CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback is not working because there aren't any callbacks for these fullscreen modes.

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Thomas Tempelmann Avatar asked May 27 '14 18:05

Thomas Tempelmann

People also ask

How do I stop apps from opening in full screen on Mac?

The method to exit full screen Mac is also simple. If you're asking yourself “how do i get out of fullscreen mode?” here's are your options – and they're mostly the same as entering full screen: In an app's window, click the green button on the top left. While using an app, press Command + Control + F.

How do I stop a program from going full screen?

2] Use Ctrl+Shift+Esc and then Alt+O To force quit a Full-Screen Always-On-Top Program in Windows 10: Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to launch the Task Manager.

How do I know if Safari is in full screen mode?

On the iPhone (the only phone I can test with), there is a simple way to detect for full screen mode: If you are using the web page in standard Safari mode, this value will be False. If you are using the web page in app mode (full screen mode), this value will be True.

How do I open a window without it entering full screen mode?

When the cursor icon changes to a diagonal bi-directional arrow, press and hold the Option key and double click. This would maximize the window to occupy the entire screen without it entering into full-screen mode.

How do I make my screen full screen on Windows 10?

Move the cursor to any one of the four corners of the Window. When the cursor icon changes to a diagonal bi-directional arrow, press and hold the Option key and double click. This would maximize the window to occupy the entire screen without it entering into full-screen mode.

Why is the full screen suggestion note hidden by default?

As you can see above, the "full screen suggestion" note is hidden by default. The note only gets shown if the user is both on a device that supports full screen mode and is not currently taking advantage of it. Furthermore, the touch-event handlers only get bound if the suggestion note is going to be shown.

2 Answers

Based on @Chuck's suggestion, I've come up with a solution that works somewhat, but may not be foolproof.

The solution is based on the assumption that 10.7's new fullscreen mode for windows moves these windows to a new Screen Space. Therefore, we subscribe to notifications for changes to the active space. In that notification handler, we check the window list to detect whether the menubar is included. If it is not, it probably means that we're in a fullscreen space.

Checking for the presence of the "Menubar" window is the best test I could come up with based on Chuck's idea. I don't like it too much, though, because it makes assumptions on the naming and presence of internally managed windows.

Here's the test code that goes inside AppDelegate.m, which also includes the test for the other app-wide fullscreen mode:

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    NSApplication *app = [NSApplication sharedApplication];

    // Observe full screen mode from apps setting SystemUIMode
    // or invoking 'setPresentationOptions'
    [app addObserver:self

    // Observe full screen mode from apps using a separate space
    // (i.e. those providing the fullscreen widget at the right
    // of their window title bar).
    [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]
        object:NULL queue:NULL
        usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note)
            // The active space changed.
            // Now we need to detect if this is a fullscreen space.
            // Let's look at the windows...
            NSArray *windows = CFBridgingRelease(CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo
                        (kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID));
            //NSLog(@"active space change: %@", windows);

            // We detect full screen spaces by checking if there's a menubar
            // in the window list.
            // If not, we assume it's in fullscreen mode.
            BOOL hasMenubar = NO;
            for (NSDictionary *d in windows) {
                if ([d[@"kCGWindowOwnerName"] isEqualToString:@"Window Server"]
                 && [d[@"kCGWindowName"] isEqualToString:@"Menubar"]) {
                    hasMenubar = YES;
            NSLog(@"fullscreen: %@", hasMenubar ? @"No" : @"Yes");

- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
                        change:(NSDictionary *)change
                       context:(void *)context
    if ([keyPath isEqual:@"currentSystemPresentationOptions"]) {
        NSLog(@"currentSystemPresentationOptions: %@", [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey]); // a value of 4 indicates fullscreen mode
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Thomas Tempelmann Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Thomas Tempelmann

Since my earlier answer doesn't work for detecting full screen mode between apps, I did some experimentation. Starting with the solution that Thomas Tempelmann came up with of checking the presence of menu bar, I found a variation that I think could be more reliable.

The problem with checking for the menu bar is that in full screen mode you can move the mouse cursor to the top of the screen to make the menu bar appear, but you're still in full screen mode. I did some crawling through the CGWindow info, and discovered that when I enter full screen, there is window named "Fullscreen Backdrop" owned by the "Dock", and it's not there when not in full screen mode.

This is on Catalina (10.15.6) in an Xcode playground, so it should be tested in a real app, and on Big Sur (or whatever the current OS is, when you're reading this).

Here's the code (in Swift... easier to quickly test something)

func isFullScreen() -> Bool
    guard let windows = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(.optionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID) else {
        return false

    for window in windows as NSArray
        guard let winInfo = window as? NSDictionary else { continue }
        if winInfo["kCGWindowOwnerName"] as? String == "Dock",
           winInfo["kCGWindowName"] as? String == "Fullscreen Backdrop"
            return true
    return false
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Chip Jarred Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Chip Jarred