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ORMLITE ORDER_BY with multiple columns

I am using ormlite in my recent android project. I want to order by on a query on multiple columns in a table (say two columns). How can I achieve that??

Here is the code for a single order by...

QueryBuilder<Visit, Integer> qb = getHelper().getVisitDao().queryBuilder();
qb.where().eq("FOREIGN_ID", id);
qb.orderBy("VISIT_DATE", false);
like image 664
rawcoder064 Avatar asked Mar 27 '13 18:03


1 Answers

I want to order by on a query on multiple columns in a table(say two columns). How can i achieve that??

All you need to do is to call orderBy(...) multiple times.

qb.orderBy("VISIT_DATE", false);
qb.orderBy("order-column", false);

This is covered by the documentation. To quote:

Add "ORDER BY" clause to the SQL query statement to order the results by the specified column name. Use the ascending boolean to get a ascending or descending order. This can be called multiple times to group by multiple columns.

Also the javadocs:

Add "ORDER BY" clause to the SQL query statement. This can be called multiple times to add additional "ORDER BY" clauses. Ones earlier are applied first.

like image 157
Gray Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
