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Organizational Hierarchy -based access control in Spring Security (& hibernate)

There is a scenario in one of the projects I am working on, in which there is a central database that is being accessed by various branches and sub-units within the organisation. In addition to role-based entitlements (like operator, admin, approver etc.) which I am aware of how to tackle, there is a requirement to filter data at the organizational unit -level.

For example, see the organization structure depicted below: enter image description here

In this scenario, any user working at HQ-level would have access to all the data across the branches in those screens for which the user has access (role-based). However, anyone in Branch 1 can see only data of Units 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3. The same holds with Branch 2 as well. As we generalize this to the next level, a user in Unit 1.1 can access only data of Unit 1.1, but not of the other.

So, is such a kind of access control possible with Domain Object Security or any other mechanism in Spring Security?

I am alternatively exploring a possibility of having an interceptor in Hibernate that will do the necessary filtering. Any help in that front also would be useful?

like image 654
Shyam Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 07:07


1 Answers

Open this link :


it is project. You can see spring security file :: https://github.com/taylorleese/google-app-engine-jappstart/blob/master/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml

like image 74
Prashant Aggarwal Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 15:10

Prashant Aggarwal