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Order grouped rows before aggregate function

I have a postgis table with point geometries.

points table:

id | uid | date | geom

Points with the same uid are the same target. I'm trying to GROUP BY uid with the ST_MakeLine to create a complete target LineString.

SELECT uid, ST_MakeLine(geom)
FROM points

This works, but I want to make sure the points are in the correct order. I tried doing this by adding an ORDER BY date before grouping.

SELECT uid, ST_MakeLine(geom)
FROM points
ORDER BY date <-- does not work

ERROR: syntax error at or near "GROUP"

Is there a way to order the grouped rows before they are fed into the aggregate function?

like image 982
Ilia Choly Avatar asked Feb 18 '14 16:02

Ilia Choly

People also ask

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Group functions are mathematical functions to operate on sets of rows to give one result per set. The types of group functions (also called aggregate functions) are: AVG, that calculates the average of the specified columns in a set of rows, COUNT, calculating the number of rows in a set.

Can you order by aggregate function?

An aggregate function cannot be used directly in: an ORDER BY clause. Attempting to do so generates an SQLCODE -73 error. However, you can use an aggregate function in an ORDER BY clause by specifying the corresponding column alias or selectItem sequence number.

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If you don't specify GROUP BY , aggregate functions operate over all the records selected. In that case, it doesn't make sense to also select a specific column like EmployeeID .

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Use ORDER BY if you want to order rows according to a value returned by an aggregate function like SUM() . The ORDER BY operator is followed by the aggregate function (in our example, SUM() ). DESC is placed after this function to specify a descending sort order.

2 Answers

The ORDER BY clause can be placed at the end of the aggregate arguments.

SELECT uid, ST_MakeLine(geom ORDER BY date)
FROM points


like image 80
Ilia Choly Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10

Ilia Choly

Maybe have the data you want ordered in a temp table, and then group externally by uid?

 SELECT uid, ST_MakeLine(geom)
    SELECT uid, geom
    FROM points
    ORDER BY date
 ) AS temp
like image 45
gts Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10
