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Order function in R: argument lengths differ




I'm getting the following error in R:

argument lengths differ.

I have a data set I would like to order on two columns, first on caseID, then on a column that contains a timestamp. I use the following code:

mydata <- mydata[order(mydata[ ,col1], mydata[ ,col2], decreasing = FALSE),]

Col1 and col2 are two variables holding an integer. I have looked at similar questions and tried the solutions that were proposed there, but nothing worked ;).

Could someone please help me?

Kind regards

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user183239 Avatar asked Dec 27 '13 18:12


1 Answers

R thinks that you 2 columns have different lengths, sometimes that happens when you accidentally access a column that does not exist, check the values of col1 and col2 to make sure that they are appropriate numbers. Also look at length(mydata[,col1]) and length(mydata[,col2]) to see if those 2 values match. Also check for missing , or other punctuation, sometimes if you don't have the syntax exactly right then you get a list of length 1, or a single element vector which does not match the other vector in length.

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Greg Snow Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09

Greg Snow