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Orchestrated vs Choreographed Service-Oriented Architecture in large scale?

I'm an architect in a large scale financial company and we are in the beginning of implementing a new business oriented infosystem across our different countries.

From the very early on the core idea has been to follow microservice oriented principles as much as possible (and making sure engineers have read Building Microservices book by Sam Newman).

By now I've come to crossroads. Our services are primarily JSON REST services using Swagger for automated documentation, but in order to use these services in our business processes and making sure not to write business logic into services outside the domain of those services, we've been using Camunda as an orchestration tool. And Camunda is fine (though some have considered Corezoid as an alternative), but somewhat clumsy in what is an otherwise an elegant set of services.

Now service orchestration is a concept pretty familiar to most engineers. But it is one that I am not entirely happy with due to still having a central engine that drives everything. It is incredibly expensive to replace later down the road (though still cheaper to replace than a monolith). And even if this central engine is split into multiple engines (which is actually the case today), it does not necessarily make it much better.

In recent years there has been a movement with microservices towards choreographed (close to event-driven) architecture. It is at this point where I am looking for advice from engineers and architects who have faced similar crossroad decision points.

I absolutely love the idea of decoupled architecture and despite feeling good about killing monoliths and having elegant independent services, I still detect a lot of dependencies in business process as a whole in current orchestrated solution in where it should not actually exist.

And it's not like we are avoiding events. We have actually implemented events on our architecture as well in order to decouple many processes with the core principle that if you don't need a synchronized response and just need to notify of something happening to initiate another process an event is put up that may be caught by another process that starts executing. And orchestration is easier to explain and visualize, it is easier to tweak and modify by more technical minded business users. And I think it is easier to test and validate from business perspective. Orchestrated architecture like this also (usually) expects a good service discovery and quality automated documentation and non-functional requirements which are all things I value greatly.

All of those things that are a question to me in choreographed approach since I don't have first-hand experience in running this in large scale - just some local test prototypes.

But I think you see where I am coming from. I'm trying to consider alternatives without having to regret driving the company all the other way in the end.

Perhaps you can share your own experience with a similar situation or share an interesting link or two? Or am I looking for a silver bullet that doesn't exist yet?

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kingmaple Avatar asked Mar 28 '17 12:03


People also ask

What is the difference between choreography and orchestration?

Orchestration entails actively controlling all elements and interactions like a conductor directs the musicians of an orchestra, while choreography entails establishing a pattern or routine that microservices follow as the music plays, without requiring supervision and instructions.

Which gives more flexibility orchestration or choreography?

From the perspective of composing Web services to execute business processes, orchestration is a more flexible paradigm and has the following advantages over choreography: The coordination of component processes is centrally managed by a known coordinator.

What is choreography service oriented architecture?

Choreography and orchestration, in an SOA context, pertain to the use of processes that span multiple participants, with message traffic moving in all directions according to a complex set of rules. Choreography and orchestration are attempts to coordinate or control all of this activity.

What is orchestration and choreography approach in micro services give one example?

The conductor or orchestrator communicates to all other dancers to coordinate the dance. All other dancers depend upon the conductor for their performance. This is an example of Orchestration. This model provides the maximum level of control to the conductor, but also makes the conductor a single point of failure.

2 Answers

Services need to interact - services that don't interact are not part of the same system. The search needs access to the catalog, the cart doesn't get the price info from the page, the account needs the purchase history, the recommender needs purchase history, the cart needs to verify the currently available coupons, the inventory needs to know something was purchased etc.

Service boundaries are set to minimize the needed interactions. It can make sense to cut a service to smaller components but if they share a database (internal structure) they are different aspects of the service.

When services interact it creates a level of coupling - at the least, this coupling is some API (JSON or otherwise) that the service has to "maintain" for so other services can interact with it.

Another coupling type is temporal coupling - which is what you get in request-reply situations (and you can eliminate in event driven systems) However, Orchestration vs. Choreography is not about these differences (even though orchestration is mostly associated with request/reply) - it is about central control and governance vs.flexibility and serendipity.

Orchestration has risks like migrating business logic out of services into the orchestration while choreography runs the risk of chaos. By the way, direct request/reply integration has the worst of both worlds but wins on simplicity when systems are small enough.

Choosing between the two is a balancing act (like most architectural decisions) for instance, Netflix built on choreography for a lot of time but then found they need some control back and introduced an orchestration engine. Nothing is a silver bullet :)

Personally, I like choreography better because of the reduced coupling and flexibility and favor tools like open Zipkin to bring some order into the chaos.

You can see a partial example for an orchestration based arch in slides 10-22 of a presentation I did about microservices

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Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 23:10

Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz

I think I understand where you're coming from, having recently redesigned a system to a "microservices" architecture. I like (and use) the approach by these guys: http://scs-architecture.org/

The main point is, that you try to avoid cross-dependencies between you "services", which basically makes choreography obsolete. The hard part is decomposing your problem domain into chunks which do not need eachother for any of the executed business-cases. They may need different kinds of data that may or may not be "shared", as in present in multiple systems, but they don't need synchronous calls between them for any given business case.

This is quite different from what Netflix is doing for example. Those guys/gals are doing chain-calling through different layers of services, each adding its logic to the "process". This model might fit in some cases, and probably fits in Netflix's case. But it may not be necessary for you.

The ideal Self-Contained System would be completely independent of other Self-Contained Systems, would cover one or more highly cohesive business functions (in full depth from the UI to Persistence!), and would be not calling any other system synchronously. The ideal system would let the client "orchestrate", by just offering links through its Web (HTML) interface.

Think more like Amazon. The "Landing Page" is a different application than the "Search", which is still different from the "Checkout". They are completely different, sometimes even look a bit different! Integrated by links and forms in HTML, not explicitly orchestrated.

This might be what you are looking for.

Some warnings: First instinct of some people is to have "Customer" microservice, or "Product Repository" microservice, and similar. This will not lead to Self-Contained Systems, as you will need synchronous calls to these things, making them essentially "central" components. The key is to split the business domain, so bounded contexts a la Eric Evans.

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Robert Bräutigam Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 22:10

Robert Bräutigam