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Oracle virtual box inaccessible

I am using Oracle Virtual Box version 4.2.16 r86992. Everything was fine until yesterday shutdown. Today, it shows inaccessible and throws this error:

Runtime error opening C:\Users\xxxxxx\VirtualBox VMs\vBoxxxxXubuntu_Beta\vBoxxxxXubuntu_Beta.vbox for reading: -102 (File not found.).   D:\tinderbox\win-4.2\src\VBox\Main\src-server\MachineImpl.cpp[725] (long __cdecl Machine::registeredInit(void)). 

It's good to restore this to working, It would save lot of time and restore configuration settings and data. Thanking your support.

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Vishal Gupta Avatar asked Mar 06 '14 06:03

Vishal Gupta

People also ask

Why is my virtual machine inaccessible?

What does “inaccessible” mean for a VM? If your virtual machine is inaccessible, it means the server is not able to open a . vmx file. There can be many reasons for this, but most often it is due to the folder being renamed or some error in the storage array.

Why is my VirtualBox not working?

Usually, VirtualBox stops working because of an incompatibility problem. In most situations, you might experience such malfunctions right after a Windows 10 update. Thus, the right thing to do is to reinstall VirtualBox on your machine, by following the above steps.

Is VirtualBox discontinued?

VirtualBox binariesVersion 6.0 will remain supported until July 2020. If you're looking for the latest VirtualBox 5.2 packages, see VirtualBox 5.2 builds. Please also use version 5.2 if you still need support for 32-bit hosts, as this has been discontinued in 6.0. Version 5.2 will remain supported until July 2020.

1 Answers

This normally happens if the host OS crashes or you pull the plug on it, leaving the .vbox file unsaved.

In the location:

C:\Users\xxxxxxx\VirtualBox VMs\vBoxxxxXubuntu_Beta\   

you should find two files:

  1. vBoxxxxXubuntu_Beta.vbox-prev
  2. vBoxxxxXubuntu_Beta.vbox-tmp

Copy vBoxxxxXubuntu_Beta.vbox-prev to vBoxxxxXubuntu_Beta.vbox.

Select vBoxxxxXubuntu_Beta.vbox, in the VBox manager, right click, and then left click on refresh.

Observe that it now shows Powered Off.

Now you are good to go.

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AjayKumarBasuthkar Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09
