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Oracle stored procedure variable naming convention

When writing a stored procedure in oracle, PL/SQL there are lots of naming convention followed for writing the parameter names.



  2. Should the local variable prefix with l or l_ and global with g or g_

Are there any other good naming convention to follow?

What are the best practices to follow.

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Mangesh Pimpalkar Avatar asked Jun 28 '11 02:06

Mangesh Pimpalkar

People also ask

What is naming convention in Oracle?

Database object names should use only ASCII letters, numbers, and underscores, and they should always begin with a letter. Note that database object names are case-insensitive, so "Name" would be the same as "NAME".

What is naming convention in Plsql?

Using case sensitive variable names force developers to use double quotes for each reference to the variable. Our recommendation is to write all names in lowercase and to avoid double quoted identifiers. A widely used convention is to follow a {prefix}variablecontent{suffix} pattern.

What is a variable naming conventions?

Variables are tokens within the command statements that are to be replaced with actual values immediately before the statement is run.

1 Answers

I'd put the highest priority on picking a naming scheme that clearly differentiates between local (or global) variables and column names. Its not as important whether the prefix is l_ for local or v_ for variable or whatever.

Another situation to catch is where a parameter or variable contains a date (or potential date) in a string format (eg loaded from a file or passed from a web-page and not yet validated). Using a naming convention (such as an _DATEC suffix) allows you to clearly differentiating these from real dates and avoid implicit conversions. Depending on your application, you may want to differentiate sanitised variables from unsanitised one (ie whether they've been checked for potential SQL injection or XSS/other HTML malware).

Variable names aren't case-sensitive, and IDE formatters may change the case based on preferences. So I prefer underscore separators between words rather than relying on camelCase.

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Gary Myers Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09

Gary Myers