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Oracle SQL : Intersect tuple literals




Is there a function or operator or otherwise simple(r) construct to obtain the intersection of two tuple literals in oracle sql?

Taking into consideration the following example:

Having the following table

TABLE sometable
id | telephone | mobile | fax
 1 | 123       | 456    | 789

Given a list of n numbers { n1, n2, n3, ... , n } find id, such that:

   telephone = n1 or mobile = n1 or fax = n1
or telephone = n2 or mobile = n2 or fax = n2
or telephone = n3 or mobile = n3 or fax = n3
or telephone = n  or mobile = n  or fax = n 

Two plausible solutions are:

1. Solution 1

SELECT id FROM sometable
   n1 IN (telephone, mobile, fax)
OR n2 IN (telephone, mobile, fax)
OR n3 IN (telephone, mobile, fax)
OR n  IN (telephone, mobile, fax)

2. Solution 2

SELECT id FROM sometable
   telephone IN (n1, n2, n3, ..., n)
OR mobile    IN (n1, n2, n3, ..., n)
OR fax       IN (n1, n2, n3, ..., n)

However is there a function / operator to do the following?

FROM sometable
    (telephone, mobile, fax),
    (n1, n2, n3, ..., n)

An alternative, simpler construct would be welcomed, taking into consideration that this condition is part of a longer query with more numerous and possibly more complex conditions.


like image 620
fluxy Avatar asked Apr 16 '14 09:04


People also ask

Is INTERSECT same as inner join?

They are very different, even in your case. The INNER JOIN will return duplicates, if id is duplicated in either table. INTERSECT removes duplicates. The INNER JOIN will never return NULL , but INTERSECT will return NULL .

What is the difference between minus and INTERSECT in SQL?

INTERSECT compares the data between tables and returns only the rows of data that exist in both tables. MINUS compares the data between tables and returns the rows of data that exist only in the first table you specify.

What is the difference between INTERSECT and INTERSECT all in SQL?

INTERSECT ALL is part of the SQL specification, but SQL Server doesn't care about it. The difference to the INTERSECT operator is very simple: INTERSECT ALL doesn't eliminate duplicate rows. The nice thing is that you can simulate an INTERSECT ALL in SQL Server.

How does INTERSECT work in SQL?

The INTERSECT clause in SQL is used to combine two SELECT statements but the dataset returned by the INTERSECT statement will be the intersection of the data-sets of the two SELECT statements. In simple words, the INTERSECT statement will return only those rows which will be common to both of the SELECT statements.

1 Answers

My idea is to convert your search numbers into a table via the with clause:

Then with a little regexp trick you can create, from a single row, one row per value, and match them against your table thanks to in clause:

create TABLE sometable
  id number, 
  telephone number, 
  mobile number, 
  fax number

insert into sometable values(1, 123, 456, 789);
insert into sometable values(2, 0, 0, 123);
insert into sometable values(3, 456, 0, 0);

with w(n) as
  select regexp_substr('123, 456', '\d+', 1, level) n
  from dual
  connect by regexp_instr('123, 456', '\d+', 1, level) != 0
select *
from sometable s, w
where w.n in (s.telephone, s.mobile, s.fax)

This gives as expected:

1   123        456      789  123
2   0          0        123  123
1   123        456      789  456
3   456        0        0    456
like image 180
Emmanuel Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 00:09
