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Oracle SQL how to write a sql statement that verifies if user in my network( ie friends or friend of friends)

I have this problem. Given a users table that consists of users' username in a social network and friends table that contain a user's name and a user's friendname like below...

username friendname

John        Thomas
Chris       James

... I'm trying to write an SQL statement that will if a user is in my network. In other words is that user a friend or friend of friends?

I've been dancing around this problem and could only come up with this query:

SELECT f2.username, f2.friendname 
FROM friends f2 
WHERE f2.username IN (
      SELECT f1.friendname 
      FROM friends f1 
      WHERE f1.username = 'Thomas') 
AND f2.friendname <> 'user1' 
AND f2.friendname = 'user2';    

It basically check if a user if is a friend of my friend i.e. just return null if false.

Trying to figure out how I can expand to go through all my network of friend. I mean not just friend of my friend.

like image 611
core_pro Avatar asked Feb 19 '10 13:02


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2 Answers

FROM    (
        SELECT  username
        FROM    friends
        START WITH
                username = 'myname'
        CONNECT BY
                friendname = PRIOR username
                AND level <= 3
WHERE   username = 'friendname'
        AND rownum = 1

Update the level as necessary: you may search for the third layer friends etc.

If the friendship relationship is symmetric, you should make the following query:

WITH    q AS
        SELECT  username, friendname
        FROM    friends
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  friendname, username
        FROM    friends
        f AS
        SELECT  friendname, level
        FROM    q
        START WITH
                username = 'Thomas'
                username = PRIOR friendname
FROM    f
WHERE   friendname = 'Jo'
        AND rownum = 1

This query can be made much faster if you denormalize your table: store two records per friendship, like this:

CREATE TABLE dual_friends (orestes NOT NULL, pylades NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_dualfriends_op PRIMARY KEY (orestes, pylades)) ORGANIZATION INDEX
SELECT  username, friendname
FROM    friends
SELECT  friendname, username
        FROM    friends

Then you can just replace the CTE above with the dual_friends:

WITH    f AS
        SELECT  pylades, level
        FROM    dual_friends
        START WITH
                orestes  = 'Thomas'
                orestes = PRIOR pylades
                AND level <= 3
FROM    f
WHERE   pylades = 'Jo'
        AND rownum = 1

, which will use the index and be much more efficient, especially if you limit the level to some reasonable value.

like image 98
Quassnoi Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 02:11


You can use connect by

like image 35
Klaus Byskov Pedersen Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Klaus Byskov Pedersen