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Oracle SQL Developer 3.1.07 extra spaces between characters using listagg

I am using SQL Developer 3.1.07 on an 11g database When I use listagg to extract multiple values from a field I get a space between each character in the results for the listagg column. The query returns all the values I expect to see, it's just the extra spaces that are driving me nuts. Any thoughts?

Here is one query that I have used, but it happens everytime I use listagg in a query:

select a.personnum Emp_ID
      , a.personfullname Name
      , a.companyhiredtm Hire_Date
      , a.employmentstatus Status
      , a.employmentstatusdt Status_Date
      , h.Supervisor, h.Agency 
from vp_employeev42 a
  left outer join (select f.personid
                           , listagg (g.personcstmdatatxt, ',') within group  
                              (order by g.customdatadefid) Supervisor 
                    from vp_employeev42 f
                    left outer join personcstmdata g 
                        on f.personid = g.personid
                     where f.personnum like 'T%' 
                     and f.homelaborlevelnm3 = '1872'
                     and (g.customdatadefid = '1' 
                             or g.personcstmdatatxt is null)
                     group by f.personid) h
          on a.personid = h.personid
  left outer join (select f.personid
                      , listagg (g.personcstmdatatxt, ',') 
                              within group (order by g.customdatadefid) Agency
                   from vp_employeev42 f
                     left outer join personcstmdata g 
                           on f.personid = g.personid
                    where f.personnum like 'T%' 
                    and homelaborlevelnm3 = '1872' 
                    and (g.customdatadefid = '3' 
                              or g.personcstmdatatxt is null)
                      group by f.personid) h 
      on a.personid = h.personid   
where personnum like 'T%' 
and homelaborlevelnm3 = '1872' 
order by personnum;

Here are the results I get:

T98999,Lxxxxm, Lxxxn,20-SEP-12,Active,20-SEP-12,, S t a f f m a r k

T98989,Fxxxxn, Dxxxxa,10-DEC-12,Active,10-DEC-12,, S t a f f m a r k

T99989,Hxxxs, Cxxxxxa,02-OCT-12,Active,02-OCT-12,, S t a f f m a r k
T99999,Hxxxs, Dxxxn,30-JAN-12,Terminated,21-MAY-12, C x x x x x x x x x r   T x x x x r, P R O L O G I S T I X
like image 498
Harry Hoffhines Avatar asked Mar 08 '13 22:03

Harry Hoffhines

People also ask

How do I remove spaces between words in Oracle?

The Oracle TRIM function does not trim spaces between words. You can use a regular expression with REGEXP_REPLACE to remove occurrences of more than once space. Or, you can use the REPLACE function to remove all spaces between words – but this would result in a single long word.

What is the limit of Listagg in Oracle?

The results of listagg are constrained to the max size of VARCHAR2(4000).

What is alternative for Listagg in Oracle?

In order to concatenate field values, I would use “GROUP_CONCAT” function in Virtual DataPort Administration tool which is similar to LISTAGG function. For example, GROUP_CONCAT('<row separator>',<field_name>)

What does Listagg do in Oracle?

The Oracle LISTAGG() function is an aggregation function that transforms data from multiple rows into a single list of values separated by a specified delimiter.

1 Answers

are you using UTF-16 + NVARCHAR2 by any chance? eg this:

SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET';

PARAMETER                      VALUE
------------------------------ ----------------------------------------

SQL> drop table test;

Table dropped.

SQL> create table test(a nvarchar2(10));

Table created.

SQL> insert into test values ('test');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into test values ('test 2');

1 row created.

SQL> select listagg(a, ',') within group (order by 1) from test group by 1;

 t e s t, t e s t   2

you could cast to a char to get round this. IF this is not acceptible, you need to raise a ticket with Oracle support.

SQL> select listagg(to_char(a),',') within group (order by 1) from test group by 1;

test,test 2

like image 193
DazzaL Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
