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Oracle sequence nextval and currval confusing




In my procedure I write this

INSERT INTO questions(id, value) VALUES(my_seq.NEXTVAL, p_question);

INSERT INTO DEPENDENCIES(parent_question_id, child_question_id)
VALUES (my_seq.CURRVAL, my_seq.NEXTVAL);

Let's say sequence's last value equals to 1. In this case I expect this result:

 my_seq.NEXTVAL = 2;
 my_seq.CURRVAL = 2;
 my_seq.NEXTVAL = 3;

But it inserts this:

 my_seq.NEXTVAL = 2;
 my_seq.CURRVAL = 3;
 my_seq.NEXTVAL = 3;

I would like to know why does oracle retrieve sequence value in this way?

like image 402
Nigar Alizade Avatar asked Jul 03 '18 07:07

Nigar Alizade

People also ask

What is Currval and Nextval in Oracle?

CURRVAL. returns the current value of a sequence. NEXTVAL. increments the sequence and returns the next value.

What is the purpose of the Currval function on a sequence?

CURRVAL : Returns the current value of a sequence. NEXTVAL : Increments the sequence and returns the next value.

What is Oracle sequence Nextval?

The Oracle NEXTVAL function is used to retrieve the next value in a sequence. The Oracle NEXTVAL function must be called before calling the CURRVAL function, or an error will be thrown. No current value exists for the sequence until the Oracle NEXVAL function has been called at least once.

1 Answers

If you had three separate statements :

  1. nextval

  2. currval

  3. nextval

Then you would be correct. But you only have two

  1. nextval

  2. currval and nextval

Currval and nextval are part of a single atomic step - currval does not get processed before nextval.

You'll need to use variables for this :

  l_parent_question_id     NUMBER ;
  l_child_question_id      NUMBER ;
  l_parent_question_id := my_seq.NEXTVAL ;

  INSERT INTO questions(id, value) VALUES(l_parent_question_id, p_question);

  l_child_question_id := my_seq.NEXTVAL ;

  INSERT INTO DEPENDENCIES(parent_question_id, child_question_id)
  VALUES (l_parent_question_id, l_child_question_id); 

like image 88
Christian Palmer Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10

Christian Palmer