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Oracle query to identify columns having special characters




I'm trying to write a SQL query to return rows which has anything other than alphabets, numbers, spaces and following chars '.', '{','[','}',']' Column has alphabets like Ÿ, ¿

eg:- There's a table TEST with 2 columns - EmpNo and SampleText EmpNo is simple sequence and SampleText has values like

('12345abcde','abcdefghij','1234567890','ab c d 1 3','abcd$%1234','%^*&^%$#$%','% % $ #  %','abcd 12}34{','MINNEAŸPOLIS','THAN ¿VV ¿A')

I want to write a query which should eliminate all rows which have even a single special character except .{[}]. In above example, it should return EmpNo - 1,2,3,4 and 8 I tried REGEXP_LIKE but I'm not getting exactly what I need.

Query I used:

WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(sampleText, '[^A-Z^a-z^0-9^[^.^{^}]' ,'x'); 

This is not ignoring blanks and I also need to ignore closing bracket ']'

like image 333
Ritisha Dang Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 20:03

Ritisha Dang

1 Answers

You can use regular expressions for this, so I think this is what you want:

select t.*
from test t
where not regexp_like(sampletext, '.*[^a-zA-Z0-9 .{}\[\]].*')
like image 166
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 13:03

Gordon Linoff