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Oracle PL/SQL Query Order By issue with Distinct




Does anyone know what is wrong with this query?

 SELECT DISTINCT c.CN as ClaimNumber, 
         a.ItemDate as BillReceivedDate, c.DTN as
         FROM ItemData a,
         ItemDataPage b,
         KeyGroupData c
         WHERE a.ItemTypeNum in (112, 113, 116, 172, 189)
         AND a.ItemNum = b.ItemNum
         AND b.ItemNum = c.ItemNum
         ORDER BY a.DateStored DESC;

I have done T-Sql most of my career and this looks correct to me, however this query is for an Oracle database and Toad just places the cursor on the a.DateStored in the Order By section. I'm sure this is elementary for anyone doing PL/SQL.


[EDIT] For future reference, the error given by SQL*Plus was: "ORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression"

like image 355
Chris Conway Avatar asked Oct 28 '08 14:10

Chris Conway

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2 Answers

You will need to modify the query as such:

SELECT DISTINCT c.CN as ClaimNumber, 
         a.ItemDate as BillReceivedDate, c.DTN as
 DocTrackNumber, a.DateStored
         FROM ItemData a,
         ItemDataPage b,
         KeyGroupData c
         WHERE a.ItemTypeNum in (112, 113, 116, 172, 189)
         AND a.ItemNum = b.ItemNum
         AND b.ItemNum = c.ItemNum
         ORDER BY a.DateStored DESC;

When doing a DISTINCT your order by needs to be one of the selected columns.

like image 59
Brian Schmitt Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 04:10

Brian Schmitt

Nevermind, executing in SQL Plus gave me a more informative answer. The DateStored needs to be in the select statement so this works:

    SELECT DISTINCT c.CN as ClaimNumber,          
a.ItemDate as BillReceivedDate, 
c.DTN as DocTrackNumber, 
FROM ItemData a,         
ItemDataPage b,         
KeyGroupData c         
WHERE a.ItemTypeNum in (112, 113, 116, 172, 189)         
AND a.ItemNum = b.ItemNum         
AND b.ItemNum = c.ItemNum         
ORDER BY a.DateStored DESC;
like image 2
Chris Conway Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 03:10

Chris Conway