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oracle left outer joins not showing right null values




i'm having an issue with creating a query in oracle which doesnt seem to want to join on missing values

the table i have is this:

table myTable(refnum, contid, type)

values are:
1, 10, 90000
2, 20, 90000
3, 30, 90000
4, 20, 10000
5, 30, 10000
6, 10, 20000
7, 20, 20000
8, 30, 20000

a break down of the fields i'm after is this:

select a.refnum from myTable a where type = 90000
select b.refnum from myTable b where type = 10000 and contid in (select contid from myTable where type = 90000)
select c.refnum from myTable c where type = 20000 and contid in (select contid from myTable where type = 90000)

the outcome of the query i'm after is this:

a.refnum, b.refnum, c.refnum

i thought this would work:

select a.refnum, b.refnum, c.refnum
from myTable a 
left outer join myTable b on (a.contid = b.contid) 
left outer join myTable c on (a.contid = c.contid) 
where a.id_tp_cd = 90000
and b.id_tp_cd = 10000
and c.id_tp_cd = 20000

so the values should be:

1, null, 6
2, 4, 7
3, 5, 8

but its only returning:

2, 4, 7
3, 5, 8

i thought left joins would show all values in the left and create a null for the right.

help :(

like image 908
shaunf Avatar asked Dec 12 '08 11:12


People also ask

Does LEFT join include NULLs?

The SQL LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table. This means that if the ON clause matches 0 (zero) records in the right table; the join will still return a row in the result, but with NULL in each column from the right table.

Does Outer join return NULL values?

RIGHT OUTER JOIN returns every record in the right table and all matching records from the left table. If there's no match found, a NULL is shown next to the unmatched record. FULL OUTER JOIN returns all records from both tables.

How NULL values affect joins?

Null values in tables or views being joined never match each other. Since bit columns do not permit null values, a value of 0 appears in an outer join when there is no match for a bit column in the inner table. The result of a join of null with any other value is null.

What is (+) in Oracle join?

The plus sign is Oracle syntax for an outer join. There isn't a minus operator for joins. An outer join means return all rows from one table. Also return the rows from the outer joined where there's a match on the join key. If there's no matching row, return null.

1 Answers

You are correct in saying that left joins will return nulls for the right where there is no match, but you are not allowing these nulls to be returned when you add this restriction to your where clause:

and b.id_tp_cd = 10000
and c.id_tp_cd = 20000

You should be able to put these in the 'on' clause of the join instead, so only relevant rows on the right are returned.

select a.refnum, b.refnum, c.refnum
from myTable a 
left outer join myTable b on (a.contid = b.contid and b.id_tp_cd = 10000) 
left outer join myTable c on (a.contid = c.contid and c.id_tp_cd = 20000) 
where a.id_tp_cd = 90000
like image 127
Tom Haigh Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10

Tom Haigh