I knew stackoverflow would help me for other than know what is the "favorite programming cartoon" :P
This was the accepted answer by: Bill Karwin
Thanks to all for the help ( I would like to double vote you all )
My query ended up like this ( this is the real one )
COALESCE( inprog.activityin, accepted.activityin ) as activityin,
FROM performance accepted
LEFT OUTER JOIN performance inprog
ON( accepted.folio = inprog.folio
IN ( 4, 435 ) -- both are ids for inprogress
AND inprog.PARTICIPANTIN != 1 ) -- Ignore the "bot" participant
LEFT OUTER JOIN performance closed
ON( accepted.folio = closed.folio
AND closed.ACTIVITYIN IN ( 10,436, 4, 430 ) ) -- all these are closed or cancelled
WHERE accepted.ACTIVITYIN IN ( 3, 429 ) --- both are id for new
AND accepted.folio IS NOT NULL
AND closed.folio IS NULL;
Now I just have to join with the other tables for a human readable report.
I'm struggling for about 6 hrs. now with a DB query ( my long time nemesis )
I have a data table with some fields like:
table performance(
identifier varchar,
activity number,
participant number,
closedate date,
It is used to keep track of the history of ticket
Identifier: is a customer id like ( NAF0000001 )
activity: is a fk of where the ticket is ( new, in_progress, rejected, closed, etc )
participant: is a fk of who is attending at that point the ticket
closedate: is the date when that activity finished.
EDIT: I should have said "completiondate" rather than closedate. This is the date when the activity was completed, not necessary when the ticket was closed.
For instance a typical history may be like this:
identifier|activity|participant|closedate ------------------------------------------- NA00000001| 1| 1|2008/10/08 15:00| ------------------------------------------- NA00000001| 2| 2|2008/10/08 15:20| ------------------------------------------- NA00000001| 3| 2|2008/10/08 15:40| ------------------------------------------- NA00000001| 4| 4|2008/10/08 17:05| -------------------------------------------
And participant 1=jonh, 2=scott, 3=mike, 4=rob
and activties 1=new, 2=inprogress, 3=waitingforapproval, 4=closed
etc. And tens of other irrelevant info.
Well my problem is the following.
I have managed to create a query where I can know when a ticket was opened and closed
it is like this:
a.closedate as start,
b.closedate as finish
performance a,
performance b
a.activity = 1 -- new
and b.activity = 4 -- closed
and a.identifier = b.identifier
But I can't know what tickets are not closed and who is attending them.
So far I have something like this:
a.closedate as start
performance a
a.activity = 1 -- new
and a.identifier not in ( select identifier from performance where activity = 4 ) --closed
That is give me all the ones who have an start ( new = 1 ) but are not closed ( closed = 4 )
But the big problem here is that it prints the participant who opened the ticket, but I need the participant who is attending it. So I add the "inprogress" activity to the query.
a.closedate as start
performance a,
performance b
a.activity = 1 -- new
and a.identifier not in ( select identifier from performance where activity = 4 ) --closed
and b.identifier = a.identifier
and b.activity = 2 -- inprogress..
But not all the rows that are in "new" are "inprogress" and with that query I drop all of them.
What I need is to show all the "inprogress" participant and if the ticket is not "inprogress", it will show as empty.
Somthing like
identifier|activity|participant|closedate ------------------------------------------- NA00000002| 1| |2008/10/08 15:00| ------------------------------------------- NA00000003| 1| |2008/10/08 15:20| ------------------------------------------- NA00000004| 1| |2008/10/08 15:40| ------------------------------------------- NA00000005| 2| 4|2008/10/08 15:40| ------------------------------------------- NA00000006| 2| 4|2008/10/08 15:40|
In this case
NA002, NA003 and NA004 are in "new", so no participant is shown
NA005 and NA006 are being "inprgress (act = 2 )" and they are being attended by rob ( participant 4 )
So I remember there was this thing called left outer join or something like that but I never ever understand it. What I would like to know is how can I fetch the identifiers that are "inprogress" and "new" and that are not closed.
Probably taking a little rest would help me to clear my mind. If anyone knows how to do it I'll appreciate it.
By the way I've tried:
a.closedate as start
performance a
left outer join
performance b
b.identifier = a.identifier
a.activity = 1 -- new
and a.identifier not in ( select identifier from performance where activity = 4 ) --closed
and b.activity = 2 -- inprogress..
But gives me the same result as the previous ( drop the only in "new" records )
Try something like this (I haven't tested it):
SELECT p_new.identifier, COALESCE(p_inprog.activity, p_new.activity) AS activity,
p_inprog.participant, COALESCE(p_inprog.closedate, p_new.closedate) AS closedate
FROM performance p_new
LEFT OUTER JOIN performance p_inprog
ON (p_new.identifier = p_inprog.identifier AND p_inprog.activity = 2)
LEFT OUTER JOIN performance p_closed
ON (p_new.identifier = p_closed.identifier AND p_closed.activity = 4)
WHERE p_new.activity = 1
AND p_closed.identifier IS NULL;
I think people believe outer joins are harder than they really are. For example:
A LEFT OUTER JOIN B ON (...condition...)
This returns all rows from A, whether or not there are any matching rows in B. If no rows in B match, treat all columns B.* as NULL in the result set for that row of A. The join condition can be an expression that the row in B must satisfy, or else it isn't included in the join. So, more rows in A will be solo.
Typically the better way to write those is with EXISTS. The first one would be:
select * from performance p1
where not exists
( select * from performance p2
where p2.identifier = p1.identifier and p2.activity = 4 )
This way lets you do a keyed lookup on performance.identifier, rather than potentially having to build a massive list of identifiers in (select identifier from performance where activity=4)
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