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Oracle Error PLS-00323: subprogram or cursor is declared in a package specification and must be defined in the package body


Can someone help me put my pl/sql procedure in a package? I've tried and I'm struggling with it:

This is what I have, for my package specification:

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE film_pkg IS title VARCHAR2(100); PROCEDURE get_films(fname VARCHAR2); END film_pkg;  -- 

This is my package body where im running into the problems:

  CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY film_pkg IS    PROCEDURE get_films (fname    IN     film.title%TYPE,                         r_date      OUT film.release_date%TYPE,                         dur         OUT film.duration%TYPE)    AS    BEGIN       SELECT release_date, duration         INTO r_date, dur         FROM FILM        WHERE title = fname;    EXCEPTION       WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND       THEN          r_date := '';          dur := '';    END get_films; END film_pkg; 

if anyone could help me fix the errors i'd appreciate it:

Error(4,11): PLS-00323: subprogram or cursor 'GET_FILMS' is declared in a package specification and must be defined in the package body 
like image 451
SqlNoob Avatar asked Oct 23 '14 09:10


1 Answers

Your header and body procedure definitions don't match

In the header, you have:

PROCEDURE get_films(fname VARCHAR2); 

Whereas in the body:

PROCEDURE get_films(fname IN film.title%type,     r_date OUT film.release_date%type, dur OUT film.duration%type) 

You probably just need to update the header definition with the two additional OUT params?

To Summarize

  • Ensure the header definition matches all parameters of the body implementation (number of parameters, names of parameters, order of parameters, and the parameter types)
  • As per Alex's comment, do not mix and match the custom type (film.title%type) with the base type (VARCHAR2). Choose one or the other.
like image 152
StuartLC Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 07:10
