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Oracle Delete Rows Matching On Multiple Values




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How do you DELETE a record from one table that matches another in Oracle?

key in ( select key from deleteTable ); If it's a bigger table, you can try an EXISTs: delete from TableA A where exists ( select * from deleteTable d where d. key = A.

How do you DELETE multiple values in SQL?

There are a few ways to delete multiple rows in a table. If you wanted to delete a number of rows within a range, you can use the AND operator with the BETWEEN operator. DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column_name BETWEEN value 1 AND value 2; Another way to delete multiple rows is to use the IN operator.

Do we need commit after DELETE in Oracle?

DELETE requires a COMMIT, but TRUNCATE does not.

No, you just need parentheses:

(student.course, student.major) IN
(SELECT schedule.course, schedule.major FROM schedule)

You could also use the EXISTS clause:

  SELECT 1 FROM schedule 
  WHERE schedule.course=student.course 
  AND schedule.major=student.major

(student.course, student.major) IN
(SELECT schedule.course, schedule.major FROM schedule)

Put parens around your terms in the where clause. Cheers!

In Oracle, you can do a delete from an in-line view, but it generally needs a foreign key that ensures that a row from the table from which the row is deleted cannot be represented by more than one row in the view.

create table parent (id number primary key);
create table child (id number primary key, parent_id number references parent);
insert into parent values(1);
insert into child values(2,1);
delete from (select * from parent p, child c where c.parent_id = p.id);

Note that if any attributes are null, the row's considered not IN. That is, if courses are equal and both student and schedule major are null, row will not be deleted.

If an attribute, such as major, may be null, and you want null = null to be true, try:

FROM student
WHERE (student.course, NVL(student.major,'sOmeStRinG') )
IN (SELECT schedule.course, NVL(schedule.major,'sOmeStRinG') FROM schedule)

The syntax below works in SQLServer but I believe it is a standard sql but as pointed out in comments this is non standard implementation and is not currently supported in Oracle.

I will leave it for reference

delete s
    student s 
    inner join schedule sch
    on s.course=sch.course 
    and s.major = sch.major