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ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got BINARY in Hibernate

My query is like this:

where (:startDate is null or :endDate is null or DDATE between :startDate AND :endDate)
AND (:startDate is null or (:endDate is not null or DDATE between :startDate AND :date))

I get startDate and endDate from ajax date picker. date is the system date, which I am getting like this:

Date utiDate = new Date();

When I execute my query, I get the error:

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got BINARY
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BaN3 Avatar asked May 16 '13 08:05


2 Answers

Trying to find the correct answer, I found an interesting post here.

If :endDate is null, you can't be sure the condition DDATE between :startDate AND :endDate won't be evaluated. And if it's evaluated, Oracle will try to convert a null value to a date, so it'll give you an error.

Try to test the query removing the DDATE between :startDate AND :endDate part: you shouldn't have the error anymore. Then you'll have to modify your query to be sure the between operator won't be evaluated if :enddate is null. In this post, they recommend using CASE statements inside the WHERE clause. Maybe it can solve your problem.

About short-circuit evaluation and Oracle database, I found that question that can help you understand the problem.

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eternay Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11


Properties :startDate and :endDate in your bean are not of type java.util.Date, but something else that Hibernate can't convert to SQL-DATE automatically and is sending BINARY as default.

You need to implement javax.persistence.AttributeConverter< X, Y >

There is some tutorial on that.

Hint: if you place that converter in some jar included in your war app, you must explicitly list it in persistemce.xml, otherwise your converter will not be found:

    <persistence-unit name="default" transaction-type="JTA">

        <!-- register converter -->
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radzimir Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11
