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Options for recording the tasks done in a browser for UI Automation Test

Is there a tool that can record user interactions with DOM elements for usage in creating automated tests (I'm using Codeception and Laravel Dusk but any tool with roots in Selenium is fine). I'm looking for something to record a sequence and get back a list that might include:

  • Browser navigate to /contact
  • Focus input "#name"
  • Enter text "Joe" in input #name
  • Focus textarea textarea[name=message]
  • Enter text "Hello world" in textarea textarea[name=message]
  • Click element input[type=submit]
  • Browser navigate to /contact?thanks

I see GhostInspector but that is tied directly into a cloud based company and I don't want that, I'd like some degree of control over what the plugin does and be able to record pages not on the public web.

I can see building a tool that recorded every action is non-trivial - mousemove events, focus, text selection, keyboard events, scroll events, etc. Ideally I can say "listen to every focus, click, and keyup event on an input or textarea or button or select or option" and also watch for url changes.

Does such a tool exist? Doesn't matter what browser stack it runs on really, just need the ability for a user, maybe a novice user, to go to a website, hit record, do some actions, and get back a list of what occurred.

The instantaneous downvotes that contend my question is "not about programming" prompt me to improve my question. I don't presume the nature of the tool - it might be programming methods? Ways to use the browser to listen for all events and log them in some manner? Might be a Chrome extension? Might be a framework? Might be a library? I'm looking for the experience of programmers to help me with the programming task I'm trying to accomplish.

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artlung Avatar asked Jun 27 '18 19:06


People also ask

How do I record a UI web test?

To do so, navigate to Window > Preferences > Test > Recording > Web UI Recording and select Record all actions on the page. Do not change any browser preferences, including JavaScript settings. Recording and playing back Web UI scripts in a browser requires that JavaScript be enabled.

How do you record UI?

Record UI interactionsClick Run > Record Espresso Test. In the Select Deployment Target window, choose the device on which you want to record the test. If necessary, create a new Android Virtual Device. Click OK.

Which is the best tool for UI automation?

Selenium is a well-known open-source UI test automation tool widely utilized in the testing industry. It can automate test scripts on various operating systems, including Linux, Mac, Windows, and browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Headless Browsers.

1 Answers

Have you tried using the Chrome extension Laravel TestTools?


like image 97
Bertrand Kintanar Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 06:11

Bertrand Kintanar