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Optional.of(null)will throw NPE, I need to verify null before call the method?

Java 8 introduces Optional to deal with NPE. In practical application,I can‘t understand a problem.

I have the method A

public void doSomethingA(String para) {
    Optional<String> name = Optional.of(para);
    if (name.isPresent()) {

But if para = null, it will throw NPE.

method B

public void doSomethingB(String para) {
    if (para != null) {

if I check para is not null, What's the difference between A and B.

Where is the meaning of Optional.

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dai Avatar asked Apr 11 '17 07:04


People also ask

How do you check for null in Optional?

With Optional , the . of() method notices the null value and throws the NullPointerException immediately - potentially also crashing the program.

What happens when Optional is null?

Optional is primarily intended for use as a method return type where there is a clear need to represent "no result," and where using null is likely to cause errors. A variable whose type is Optional should never itself be null . It should always point to an Optional instance.

Can Optional throw NullPointerException in Java?

Optional is an API that was introduced in Java 8. If used right, it can solve the problem of the Null Pointer Exception. Optional API implements functional programming and uses Functional Interface.

How do I return Optional instead of null?

In Java 8 you can return an Optional instead of a null . Java 8 documentation says that an Optional is "A container object which may or may not contain a non-null value. If a value is present, isPresent() will return true and get() will return the value."

2 Answers

Use Optional.ofNullable if you are unsure whether you have a value or not, but you do not want a NullPointerException to be thrown.

Use Optional.of if you know you have a non-null-value or if it's ok for you if a NullPointerException is thrown otherwise.

Regarding the rest of your question: why null or Optional you may find the following question useful: Optional vs. null. What is the purpose of Optional in Java 8?

Your question may also be related to: Why use Optional.of over Optional.ofNullable?

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Roland Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 09:11


Optional does not prevent from throwing an NPE, It makes it very easy to avoid, but you have to do your part, for example, I would refactor your code to something like this.

     public void doSomethingA(String para) {
           Optional<String> optName = Optional.ofNullable(para);
           String name = optName.orElse("Unknown");
    //At his point, you are completely sure that name is even given name or "Unknown" 
    //and can do wherever you want without being afraid of throwing a NPE

You can use other optional Method like: optName.orElseThrow() to throw and error if your param is null, optName.orElseGet(() -> { return "Unknown" ;}); practically does the same than the example but you can add more logic to get the default value, or many other methods.

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luisZavaleta Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 08:11
