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Optimizing Node.js for a large number of outbound HTTP requests?



My node.js server is experiencing times when it becomes slow or unresponsive, even occasionally resulting in 503 gateway timeouts when attempting to connect to the server.

I am 99% sure (based upon tests that I have run) that this lag is coming specifically from the large number of outbound requests I am making with the node-oauth module to contact external APIs (Facebook, Twitter, and many others). Admittedly, the number of outbound requests being made is relatively large (in the order of 30 or so per minute). Even worse, this frequently means that the corresponding inbound requests to my server can take ~5-10 seconds to complete. However, I had a previous version of my API which I had written in PHP which was able to handle this amount of outbound requests without any problem at all. Actually, the CPU usage for the same number (or even fewer) requests with my Node.js API is about 5x that of my PHP API.

So, I'm trying to isolate where I can improve upon this, and most importantly to make sure that 503 timeouts do not occur. Here's some stuff I've read about or experimented with:

  • This article (by LinkedIn) recommends turning off socket pooling. However, when I contacted the author of the popular nodejs-request module, his response was that this was a very poor idea.
  • I have heard it said that setting "http.globalAgent.maxSockets" to a large number can help, and indeed it did seem to reduce bottlenecking for me

I could go on, but in short, I have been able to find very little definitive information about how to optimize performance so these outbound connections do not lag my inbound requests from clients.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or contributions.

FWIW, I'm using express and mongoose as well, and my servers are hosted on the Amazon Cloud (2x M1.Large for the node servers, 2x load balancers, and 3x M1.Small MongoDB instances).

like image 971
Zane Claes Avatar asked Aug 30 '12 16:08

Zane Claes

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How NodeJS handle multiple client requests? NodeJS receives multiple client requests and places them into EventQueue. NodeJS is built with the concept of event-driven architecture. NodeJS has its own EventLoop which is an infinite loop that receives requests and processes them.

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1 Answers

It sounds to me that the Agent is capping your requests to the default level of 5 per-host. Your tests show that cranking up the agent's maxSockets helped... you should do that.

You can prove this is the issue by firing up a packet sniffer, or adding more debugging code to your application, to show that this is the limiting factor.

like image 61
Brad Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
