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Optimizing assignment into an array from various arrays - NumPy

I have four square matrices with dimension 3Nx3N, called A, B, C and D.

I want to combine them in a single matrix. The code with for loops is the following:

import numpy
N = 3
A = numpy.random.random((3*N, 3*N))
B = numpy.random.random((3*N, 3*N))
C = numpy.random.random((3*N, 3*N))
D = numpy.random.random((3*N, 3*N))

final = numpy.zeros((6*N, 6*N))

for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):
        for k in range(3):
            for l in range(3):
                final[6*i + k][6*j + l] = A[3*i+k][3*j+l]
                final[6*i + k + 3][6*j + l + 3] = B[3*i+k][3*j+l]
                final[6*i + k + 3][6*j + l] = C[3*i+k][3*j+l]
                final[6*i + k][6*j + l + 3] = D[3*i+k][3*j+l]

Is it possible to write the previous for loops in a numpythonic way?

like image 952
nunodsousa Avatar asked Jan 24 '17 16:01


People also ask

How do you create an array of all combinations of two NumPy arrays?

Numpy has a function to compute the combination of 2 or more Numpy arrays named as “numpy. meshgrid()“. This function is used to create a rectangular grid out of two given one-dimensional arrays representing the Cartesian indexing or Matrix indexing.

Can multi dimensional arrays be processed by making use of NumPy?

NumPy is a general-purpose array-processing package. It provides a high-performance multidimensional array object and tools for working with these arrays.

Is appending to NumPy array efficient?

Appending to numpy arrays is very inefficient. This is because the interpreter needs to find and assign memory for the entire array at every single step. Depending on the application, there are much better strategies. If you know the length in advance, it is best to pre-allocate the array using a function like np.

1 Answers

Great problem for practicing array-slicing into multi-dimensional tensors/arrays!

We will initialize the output array as a multi-dimensional 6D array and simply slice it and assign the four arrays being reshaped as 4D arrays. The intention is avoid any stacking/concatenating as those would be expensive specially when working with large arrays by instead working with reshaping of input arrays, which would be merely views.

Here's the implementation -

out = np.zeros((N,2,3,N,2,3),dtype=A.dtype)
out[:,0,:,:,0,:] = A.reshape(N,3,N,3)
out[:,0,:,:,1,:] = D.reshape(N,3,N,3)
out[:,1,:,:,0,:] = C.reshape(N,3,N,3)
out[:,1,:,:,1,:] = B.reshape(N,3,N,3)
out.shape = (6*N,6*N)

Just to explain a bit more, we had :

            |------------------------ Axes for selecting A, B, C, D
                  |------------------------- Axes for selecting A, B, C, D

Thus, those two axes (second and fifth) of lengths (2x2) = 4 were used to select between the four inputs.

Runtime test

Approaches -

def original_app(A, B, C, D):
    final = np.zeros((6*N,6*N),dtype=A.dtype)
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            for k in range(3):
                for l in range(3):
                    final[6*i + k][6*j + l] = A[3*i+k][3*j+l]
                    final[6*i + k + 3][6*j + l + 3] = B[3*i+k][3*j+l]
                    final[6*i + k + 3][6*j + l] = C[3*i+k][3*j+l]
                    final[6*i + k][6*j + l + 3] = D[3*i+k][3*j+l]
    return final

def slicing_app(A, B, C, D):
    out = np.zeros((N,2,3,N,2,3),dtype=A.dtype)
    out[:,0,:,:,0,:] = A.reshape(N,3,N,3)
    out[:,0,:,:,1,:] = D.reshape(N,3,N,3)
    out[:,1,:,:,0,:] = C.reshape(N,3,N,3)
    out[:,1,:,:,1,:] = B.reshape(N,3,N,3)
    return out.reshape(6*N,6*N)

Timings and verification -

In [147]: # Setup input arrays
     ...: N = 200
     ...: A = np.random.randint(11,99,(3*N,3*N))
     ...: B = np.random.randint(11,99,(3*N,3*N))
     ...: C = np.random.randint(11,99,(3*N,3*N))
     ...: D = np.random.randint(11,99,(3*N,3*N))

In [148]: np.allclose(slicing_app(A, B, C, D), original_app(A, B, C, D))
Out[148]: True

In [149]: %timeit original_app(A, B, C, D)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.63 s per loop

In [150]: %timeit slicing_app(A, B, C, D)
100 loops, best of 3: 9.26 ms per loop
like image 96
Divakar Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10
