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Optimize SQL query




I'm trying to optimize this slow query (>2s)

FROM crmentity c, mdcalls_trans_activity_update mtu, mdcalls_trans mt
WHERE (mtu.dept = 'GUN' OR  mtu.dept = 'gun') AND
      mtu.trans_code = mt.trans_code AND
      mt.activityid = c.crmid AND
      MONTH(mtu.ts) = 2 AND
      YEAR(mtu.ts) = YEAR(NOW()) AND
      c.deleted = 0 AND
      c.smownerid = 28

This is the output when I use EXPLAIN:

id  select_type table   type    possible_keys   key key_len ref rows    Extra   
1   SIMPLE  c   index_merge PRIMARY,crmentity_smownerid_idx,crmentity_deleted_smownerid_idx,crmentity_smownerid_deleted_idx crmentity_smownerid_idx,crmentity_deleted_smownerid_idx 4,8 NULL    91  Using intersect(crmentity_smownerid_idx,crmentity_deleted_smownerid_idx); Using where; Using index
1   SIMPLE  mt  ref activityid  activityid  4   pharex.c.crmid  60  
1   SIMPLE  mtu ref dept_idx    dept_idx    5   const   1530    Using where

It's using the index I created (dept_idx) but it still takes more than 2 seconds to run the query against a dataset of 1,380,384 records. Is there another way of expressing this query in an optimal fashion?

UPDATE: Using the suggestions of David, the query is now down to a few milliseconds instead of it running more than 2 seconds (actually, 51 seconds on version 5.0 of MySQL).

like image 396
FrancisV Avatar asked Feb 27 '23 14:02


2 Answers

What is the most selective part of the WHERE clause? That is, which condition removes the most potential items from the result set?

I'd guess it's the mtu.ts filter. If that's true, you should also index the mtu.ts column and try to constrain on this in a way that the index can be used; for example by using the BETWEEN operator.

Other tips:

  • Attach join clauses directly to the join with JOIN ... ON (), this makes the query much easier to read, both for humans and the optimizer
  • Avoid calculating constants in the query, like YEAR(NOW())
  • Avoid functions of selected columns in the WHERE clause, like MONTH(mtu.ts). This reduces the possibilities for using indices massively.
  • Normalize your data to avoid casing problems like mtu.dept = 'GUN' OR mtu.dept = 'gun'; a single UPDATE mtu SET dept = lower(dept) and an appropriate CHECK dept = lower(dept) on the table will help avoiding such madness.
like image 142
David Schmitt Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 09:03

David Schmitt

  1. I would rewrite query using joins. It is more clear and give optimizer better chances.
  2. MONTH(mtu.ts) = 2 AND YEAR(mtu.ts) = YEAR(NOW()) - better use mtu.ts between .. and ..
like image 28
burnall Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 11:03
