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Optimize Double loop in python

I am trying to optimize the following loop :

def numpy(nx, nz, c, rho):
    for ix in range(2, nx-3):
        for iz in range(2, nz-3):
            a[ix, iz]  = sum(c*rho[ix-1:ix+3, iz])
            b[ix, iz]  = sum(c*rho[ix-2:ix+2, iz])
    return a, b

I tried different solutions and found using numba to calculate the sum of the product leads to better performances:

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import time

def sum_opt(arr1, arr2):
    s = arr1[0]*arr2[0]
    for i in range(1, len(arr1)):
    return s

def numba1(nx, nz, c, rho):
    for ix in range(2, nx-3):
        for iz in range(2, nz-3):        
            a[ix, iz]  = sum_opt(c, rho[ix-1:ix+3, iz])
            b[ix, iz]  = sum_opt(c, rho[ix-2:ix+2, iz])
    return a, b

def numba2(nx, nz, c, rho):
    for ix in range(2, nx-3):
        for iz in range(2, nz-3):        
            a[ix, iz]  = sum_opt(c, rho[ix-1:ix+3, iz])
            b[ix, iz]  = sum_opt(c, rho[ix-2:ix+2, iz])
    return a, b
nx = 1024
nz = 256    

rho = np.random.rand(nx, nz)
c = np.random.rand(4)
a = np.zeros((nx, nz))
b = np.zeros((nx, nz))

ti = time.clock()
a, b = numpy(nx, nz, c, rho)
print 'Time numpy  : ' + `round(time.clock() - ti, 4)`

ti = time.clock()
a, b = numba1(nx, nz, c, rho)
print 'Time numba1 : ' + `round(time.clock() - ti, 4)`

ti = time.clock()
a, b = numba2(nx, nz, c, rho)
print 'Time numba2 : ' + `round(time.clock() - ti, 4)`

This lead to

Time numpy : 4.1595

Time numba1 : 0.6993

Time numba2 : 1.0135

Using the numba version of the sum function (sum_opt) performs very well. But I am wondering why the numba version of the double loop function (numba2) leads to slower execution times. I tried to use jit instead of autojit, specifying the argument types, but it was worse.

I also noticed that looping first on the smallest loop is slower than looping first on the biggest loop. Is there any explanation ?

Whether it is, I am sure this double loop function can be improved a lot vectorizing the problem (like this) or using another method (map ?) but I am a little bit confused about these methods.

In the other parts of my code, I used numba and numpy slicing methods to replace all explicit loops but in this particular case, I don't how to set it up.

Any ideas ?


Thanks for all your comments. I worked a little on this problem:

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import time

@nb.jit(['float64(float64[:], float64[:])'], nopython=True)
def sum_opt(arr1, arr2):
    s = arr1[0]*arr2[0]
    for i in xrange(1, len(arr1)):
    return s

def numba1(nx, nz, c, rho, a, b):
    for ix in range(2, nx-3):
        for iz in range(2, nz-3):        
            a[ix, iz]  = sum_opt(c, rho[ix-1:ix+3, iz])
            b[ix, iz]  = sum_opt(c, rho[ix-2:ix+2, iz])
    return a, b

def numba2(nx, nz, c, rho, a, b):
    for ix in range(2, nx-3):
        for iz in range(2, nz-3):        
            a[ix, iz]  = sum_opt(c, rho[ix-1:ix+3, iz])
            b[ix, iz]  = sum_opt(c, rho[ix-2:ix+2, iz])
    return a, b

@nb.jit(['float64[:,:](int16, int16, float64[:], float64[:,:], float64[:,:])'], nopython=True)
def numba3a(nx, nz, c, rho, a):
    for ix in range(2, nx-3):
        for iz in range(2, nz-3):        
            a[ix, iz]  = sum_opt(c, rho[ix-1:ix+3, iz])
    return a

@nb.jit(['float64[:,:](int16, int16, float64[:], float64[:,:], float64[:,:])'], nopython=True)
def numba3b(nx, nz, c, rho, b):
    for ix in range(2, nx-3):
        for iz in range(2, nz-3):        
            b[ix, iz]  = sum_opt(c, rho[ix-2:ix+2, iz])
    return b

def convol(nx, nz, c, aa, bb):
    s1 = rho[1:nx-1,2:nz-3]
    s2 = rho[0:nx-2,2:nz-3]
    kernel = c[:,None][::-1]
    aa[2:nx-3,2:nz-3] = signal.convolve2d(s1, kernel, boundary='symm', mode='valid')
    bb[2:nx-3,2:nz-3] = signal.convolve2d(s2, kernel, boundary='symm', mode='valid')
    return aa, bb

nx = 1024
nz = 256 
rho = np.random.rand(nx, nz)
c = np.random.rand(4)
a = np.zeros((nx, nz))
b = np.zeros((nx, nz))

ti = time.clock()
for i in range(1000):
    a, b = numba1(nx, nz, c, rho, a, b)
print 'Time numba1 : ' + `round(time.clock() - ti, 4)`

ti = time.clock()
for i in range(1000):
    a, b = numba2(nx, nz, c, rho, a, b)
print 'Time numba2 : ' + `round(time.clock() - ti, 4)`

ti = time.clock()
for i in range(1000):
    a = numba3a(nx, nz, c, rho, a)
    b = numba3b(nx, nz, c, rho, b)
print 'Time numba3 : ' + `round(time.clock() - ti, 4)`

ti = time.clock()
for i in range(1000):
    a, b = convol(nx, nz, c, a, b)
print 'Time convol : ' + `round(time.clock() - ti, 4)`

Your solution is very elegant Divakar, but I have to use this function a large number of time in my code. So, for 1000 iterations, this lead to

Time numba1 : 3.2487

Time numba2 : 3.7012

Time numba3 : 3.2088

Time convol : 22.7696

autojit and jit are very close. However, when using jit, it seems important to specify all argument types.

I do not know if there is a way to specify argument types in the jit decorator when the function has multiple outputs. Someone ?

For now I did not find other solution than using numba. New ideas are welcomed !

like image 223
Ipse Lium Avatar asked May 13 '15 09:05

Ipse Lium

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1 Answers

You are basically performing 2D convolution there, with a small modification that your kernel is not reversing as the usual convolution operation does. So, basically, there are two things we need to do here to use signal.convolve2d to solve our case -

  • Slice the input array rho to select a portion of it which is used in the original loopy version of your code. This would be the input data to convolution.
  • Reverse the kernel, c and feed it alongwith the sliced data to signal.convolve2d.

Please note that these are to be done for calculation of both a and b separately.

Here's the implementation -

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

# Slices for convolutions to get a and b respectively        
s1 = rho[1:nx-1,2:nz-3]
s2 = rho[0:nx-2,2:nz-3]
kernel = c[:,None][::-1]  # convolution kernel

# Setup output arrays and fill them with convolution results
a = np.zeros((nx, nz))
b = np.zeros((nx, nz))

a[2:nx-3,2:nz-3] = signal.convolve2d(s1, kernel, boundary='symm', mode='valid')
b[2:nx-3,2:nz-3] = signal.convolve2d(s2, kernel, boundary='symm', mode='valid')

If you don't need the extra zeros around the boundaries of the output arrays, you could simply use the outputs from signal.convolve2d as they are, which must further boost up the performance.

Runtime tests

In [532]: %timeit loop_based(nx, nz, c, rho)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.52 s per loop

In [533]: %timeit numba1(nx, nz, c, rho)
1 loops, best of 3: 282 ms per loop

In [534]: %timeit numba2(nx, nz, c, rho)
1 loops, best of 3: 509 ms per loop

In [535]: %timeit conv_based(nx, nz, c, rho)
10 loops, best of 3: 15.5 ms per loop

So, for the actual input datasize, the proposed convolution based approach is about 100x faster than the loopy code and about 20x better than the fastest numba based approach numba1.

like image 59
Divakar Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11
