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Optimize Arquillian performance when running multiple tests

I am using Arquillian for testing Java EE application against Glassfish, So far I am facing a performance problem, each Test case takes more than a minute to complete, having 60 Test cases means an hour to run. and hence the build will take more an hour.

I understand that running a test case might take this time in starting a glassfish container, creating and deploying a war file.

Is there a way to group test cases under each project, add all of the classes, create a single Deployment archive and run multiple tests in a single deployment as if they are a single test class?

like image 635
mmohab Avatar asked Feb 17 '23 20:02


1 Answers

Arquillian does not support suites by itself.

But I wrote extension that makes suites testing possible.


There you should find documentation with examples.

like image 140
Ingwar Avatar answered Mar 25 '23 04:03
