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Optimization levels in gcc changing c program behaviour


I'm seeing behaviour I don't expect when compiling this code with different optimization levels in gcc.

The function test should fill a 64 bit unsigned integer with ones, shift them shift_size bits to the left, and return the 32 low bits as a 32 bit unsigned integer.

When I compile with -O0 I get the results I expect.

When I compile with -O2 I do not, if I try to shift by 32 bits or more.

In fact, I get exactly the results I'd expect if I were shifting a 32 bit integer by shifts greater than or equal to bit width on x86, which is a shift using only the 5 low bits of the shift size.

But I'm shifting a 64 bit number, so shifts < 64 should be legal right?

I assume it's a bug in my understanding and not in the compiler, but I haven't been able to figure it out.

My machine: gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.4.4-14ubuntu5) 4.4.5 i686-linux-gnu

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

uint32_t test(unsigned int shift_size) {
    uint64_t res = 0;
    res = ~res;
    res = res << shift_size; //Shift size < uint64_t width so this should work
    return res; //Implicit cast to uint32_t

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int dst;
    sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &dst); //Get arg from outside so optimizer doesn't eat everything
    printf("%" PRIu32 "l\n", test(dst));
    return 0;


$ gcc -Wall -O0 test.c 
$ ./a.out 32
$ gcc -Wall -O2 test.c 
$ ./a.out 32

gcc -S -Wall -O0 test.c

gcc -S -Wall -O2 test.c

like image 918
user1142769 Avatar asked Jan 11 '12 09:01


People also ask

What are the optimization levels in GCC?

-O1 (optimize minimally) -O2 (optimize more) -O3 (optimize even more) -Ofast (optimize very aggressively to the point of breaking standard compliance)

What is compiler optimization in c?

Compiler optimization is generally implemented using a sequence of optimizing transformations, algorithms which take a program and transform it to produce a semantically equivalent output program that uses fewer resources or executes faster.

What is compiler optimization level?

The degree to which the compiler will optimize the code it generates is controlled by the -O flag. No optimization. In the absence of any version of the -O flag, the compiler generates straightforward code with no instruction reordering or other attempt at performance improvement. -O or -O2.

2 Answers

"%u" (or "%lu") and uint32_t are not necessarily compatible. Try

    #include <inttypes.h>

    //printf("%ul\n", test(dst));
    printf("%" PRIu32 "l\n", test(dst));

Printing a uint32_t value with a "%u" (or "%lu") specifier can invoke Undefined Behaviour.

like image 123
pmg Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


I was able to repro this. Here's the relevant bit of generated code with -O2:

    movl    $-1, %eax
    movl    $-1, %edx
    sall    %cl, %eax
    xorl    %edx, %edx
    testb   $32, %cl
    cmovne  %eax, %edx
    cmovne  %edx, %eax    ; This appears to be the instruction in error.
                          ; It looks as though gcc thought that %edx might still
                          ; be zero at this point, because if the shift count is
                          ; >= 32 then %eax should be zero after this.

and here is the equivalent bit with -O0:

    movl    -16(%ebp), %eax
    movl    -12(%ebp), %edx
    shldl   %cl,%eax, %edx
    sall    %cl, %eax
    testb   $32, %cl
    je      L3
    movl    %eax, %edx
    xorl    %eax, %eax         ; correctly zeros %eax if shift count >= 32
    movl    %eax, -16(%ebp)
    movl    %edx, -12(%ebp)

Compiler is:

i686-apple-darwin11-gcc-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)

Thanks for posting your gcc -S output. I had a look and while it's slightly different, the critical part has the same error as what I saw on my machine.

like image 43
Greg Hewgill Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Greg Hewgill