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Optimal WebView Settings for HTML5 Support?

I'm interested in determining what the optimal settings are for a WebView that is intended to show HTML5 content.

Currently I'm using :


With these settings, the WebView score 189 (w/ 1 bonus) on html5test.com. I am wondering if there are any settings that I should/could change to get further compatibility with HTML5. Of course, this list is an amalgamation of settings compiled over some months, so I'm also open to being told I'm doing something wrong. I do not have control over the html content to be displayed but am trying to support as broad a swath of HTML5 as possible.

like image 923
Nick Campion Avatar asked Apr 10 '12 22:04

Nick Campion

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2 Answers

I would add:

    mWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); // tells page not to open links in android browser and instead open them in this webview
like image 133
thedrs Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09


Here is an (older) project concerned with optimal HTML5 settings:

FYI, normally I also set the database storage path for HTML5:

mWebView.getSettings().setDatabasePath("/data/data/" + Actvity.getPackageName() + "/databases/");
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Theo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
