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"Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'char' and 'string'"



I have searched this site for similar questions and the ones I've found don't work for me. I apologize for asking if the answer is somewhere and I haven't been able to find it. Please let me know if I am doing something wrong by asking this.

I am making hangman in C#. What I've done is make it so that the program picks a random string from an array, makes an array of the guessed letters (which it initially fills with '_' for as long as the word is). It then is supposed to get a user's input for a letter, see if that letter is in the word, and if it is, add that letter to the guessed letters array. I am stuck at this part:

if (gameWord.Contains(guessedLetter)) 
    //for every character in gameWord
    for (int x = 0; x < gameWord.Length; x++)
        //if the character at the 'x' position in gameWord is equal to the guessed letter
        if (gameWord[x] == guessedLetter)
            //guessString at that x position is equal to the guessed letter
            guessString[x] = guessedLetter;


At "if (gameWord[x] == guessedLetter)" I am getting the error shown in the title.

gameWord is a string chosen from an array of strings, and guessedLetter is a string inputted by the user with Console.ReadLine();.

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user163505 Avatar asked Jan 24 '15 01:01


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1 Answers

If guessedLetter is a string, then you need to change one type to the other. You could easily just get the first character of guessedLetter:

if (gameWord[x] == guessedLetter[0])

or call ToString() on gameWord[x] as the other answer suggests.

However, you are about to run into a much bigger problem. [] is a readonly operation (MSDN) since strings are immutable, so your next line (the assignment) will fail.

To do that, you'll need a StringBuilder:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(gameWord);
sb[index] = guessedLetter[0];
gameWord = sb.ToString();

Credit to Replacing a char at a given index in string? for that code.

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BradleyDotNET Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
