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Openstack. "No valid host was found" for any image other than cirrOS

I'm getting the following error on my Openstack (DevStack) every time I try to launch an image other than cirrOS. Walking through internet leads me to:

  1. Openstack cannot allocate RAM, CPU resources. It's not true because I have a lot of RAM, disk space and CPU available.
  2. set in nova.conf -> scheduler_default_filters=AllHostsFilter Tried without success.

This hapends to any image in any format that is other than cirrOS.

Update: Now it is clear that there is no direct answer to this question. Lets hope Openstack guys will provide more specific information in this error message

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ZuzEL Avatar asked Mar 20 '14 06:03


2 Answers

Make sure the flavour size you select is size "small" or larger, cirros uses tiny by default, as do others if not changed

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c0nsaw Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09


For me, I got this same error because I mistakenly added an ubuntu image and set the metadata "hypervisor" tag to be "KVM" and not "QEMU". My host only had QEMU capability, of course. When I went to launch it, it gave that "No Valid Host was found". I'd say make sure the tags on the image aren't preventing the host from thinking "I can't run this". Simply changing the image tag back to QEMU fixed it for me.

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Geese Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09
