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openssl(1.1.0.b) is not support secp256r1?(openssl ecparam - list_curves)



my server and client need secp256r1 in handshake, but openssl seems like do not support secp256r1.

when I command openssl ecparam -list_curves, i couldn't see secp256r1

i used openssl 1.1.0b. I wonder openssl not support secp256r1?

like image 771
user3773632 Avatar asked Jan 31 '17 05:01


1 Answers

The OpenSSL supports secp256r1, it is just called prime256v1. Have a look at the section in RFC 5480.

-- Note that in [PKI-ALG] the secp192r1 curve was referred to as

-- prime192v1 and the secp256r1 curve was referred to as

-- prime256v1.

like image 195
Marek Klein Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 08:01

Marek Klein