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OpenSSL: what is the difference between organizationName and unstructuredName?



I'm trying to use OpenSSL to generate a certificate signing request. I noticed that when going through the prompts, OpenSSL by default asks for "organizationName", and then later asks for "unstructuredName". The prompts for both indicate that the 'company name' should go in them.

The question is: why are we being asked twice? What is the difference between these 2 entries?

In my setup, I will be issuing CSRs on behalf of other companies - ie., these companies are asking me to get and instal the certificates for them. I am suspecting, therefore, that perhaps I should be putting my own company name in one of these fields, and the client's company in the other.

Can anyone clarify?

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Lux Logica Avatar asked Sep 10 '13 05:09

Lux Logica

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1 Answers

You may find this document useful.

In Section 5.2.2:

The interpretation of unstructured names is intended to be specified by certificate issuers etc.; no particular interpretation is required.

This field is part of the certificate request; The certificate issuer may look up this name or not. But this field will not appear in the resulting certificate, unlike organizationName.

like image 53
onemouth Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 13:01
