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Opening WebView in background

This is the first time I ask something, so if there is something wrong just tell me and I´ll try to fix it ASAP.

We have a customer that wants us to login in their servers with a native Android app, but without giving us a custom way to do this. They want us to use the current website they have to log and, after authentication takes place, retrieve within the browser a XML which contains the data we need. After that, use the data in the native app. All of this with the user not knowing/seeing that a browser is being used. A total mess IMHO.

Of course, I have never tried this approach in the past and my first tests make me feel like this is impossible (or extremely difficult) to achieve. Whenever I try to load the URL in a hidden WebView the default browser pops up showing the website.

My main question is, is it possible to load a webview and work with it (invoke javascript, etc...) in the background?

Thank you.

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Luis Ollero Avatar asked Aug 22 '11 10:08

Luis Ollero

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1 Answers

You could set the WebView to hidden by default with the attribute android:visibility="gone", interact with it at runtime then when you need to show it to the user after you've loaded data, just call setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)

Hope this helps!

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AlexPriceAP Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10
