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Opening my app from a Reminder on IOS using objective C

I have created an app that creates a reminder, adds a alarm with a structured location, and sets the URL to be my app. My intention is that when the user sees this reminder on their phone and they click on it, it should open my app. But this doesn't seem to be working.

What is working is that my app does create the reminder, it is geofenced, it is just that when the user clicks on the reminder they are taken to the IOS calendar and not my app.

Here's the code that I used to set the reminder URL:

  NSString* url = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"HealthTracker://"];
  self.reminder.URL = [NSURL URLWithString: url];

I also updated the URL schemes in the pinfo.list to contain the name of the app.

Screenshot of pinfo.list

Is there something else I should be doing?

I am targeting IOS 9.1 and using my IPhone 6 to test this.

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TYY Avatar asked May 05 '16 23:05


People also ask

What app syncs with Apple reminders?

Using any.do is even easier when you integrate with Siri and Apple Reminders! You can now add tasks just by telling Siri what you want to do. Once you activate this integration, Any.do will sync with your Apple Reminders both ways, allowing you to utilize Siri's voice commands as well.

How do I transfer my iOS reminders to Android?

If you want to sync reminders and calendars between iOS and Android, just use the Google Calendar app for everything. All you have to do is sign in and it's all there. You may have to mess with your sync settings, but that's about it. That's the price we pay for walking in both worlds.

How do I use Apple's reminders app?

Open the Settings app, then tap [your name] > iCloud and turn on Reminders. Inside the Reminders app, you'll see all of your reminders on all of your Apple devices that are signed in to the same Apple ID. Learn more about upgrading your iCloud reminders after you update to iOS 13 or later and iPadOS.

1 Answers

Unlike calendar entries, reminders don't support URLs. Run the Reminders app and there is no way to add a URL.

The EKReminder has a URL property (inherited from CKCalendarItem) but the Reminders app itself doesn't support a URL.

I ran into the same problem and ended generating a Calendar event so the user can open my app from the event.

I submitted an enhancement request to Apple asking for the Reminders app to support URLs. Maybe in iOS 10.

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rmaddy Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 13:01
