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Opening a solution from TFS

I'm working on a project in Visual studios 2013. I was trying to figure out how to do something and was recommended to look at another project on TFS that does something similar. When I got latest version of this other project, I found out it was made in VS2010. It migrated it to VS2013, and locked the file to me. I undid the changes because I don't want to modify this other program. I was unable to find a way to open that file without it trying to lock the file to me with migrating to VS2013. As an attempted solution, I copied the file elsewhere on my computer and tried opening it without connecting to TFS. I assumed this would allow it to migrate to 2013 without updating the database. It still had issues and gave me this error: Solution file '%s' cannot be migrated because the solution cannot be checked out from source code control. To migrate the solution, make sure the solution file can be checked out and re-open it.

How can I open this solution without updating the TFS solution and locking the file to myself?

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NerdyFool Avatar asked Oct 21 '14 00:10


1 Answers

I just ran into this same problem. I checked the permissions on the solution files I was trying to open and saw that it was set to 'read-only'. I deselected read-only and the solution opened.

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Anonymous Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10
