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OpenID Migration



I'm curious about OpenID. While I agree that the idea of unified credentials is great, I have a few reservations. What is to prevent an OpenID provider from going crazy and holding the OpenID accounts they have hostage until you pay $n? If I decide I don't like the provider I'm with this there a way to migrate to a different provider with out losing all my information at various sites?

Edit: I feel like my question is being misunderstood. It has been said that I can simple create a delegation and this is partially true. I can do this if I haven't already created an account at, for example, SO. If I decide to set up my own OpenID provider at some point, there is no way that I can see to move and keep my account information. That is the sort of think I was wondering about.

Second Edit: I see that there is a uservoice about adding this to SO. Link

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baudtack Avatar asked Sep 17 '08 00:09


People also ask

Is OpenID Connect obsolete?

Is OpenID Dead? Yes, OpenID is an obsolete standard that is no longer supported by the OpenID Foundation.

Is OpenID better than SAML?

Differences. Many developers believe that OpenID Connect is simpler to implement because there's no XML handling. OpenID lacks user authorization data (such as permissions) and focuses primarily on identity assertion. SAML is an identity data exchange and is very feature-rich.

What is OpenID and how it works?

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an open authentication protocol that works on top of the OAuth 2.0 framework. Targeted toward consumers, OIDC allows individuals to use single sign-on (SSO) to access relying party sites using OpenID Providers (OPs), such as an email provider or social network, to authenticate their identities.

What is difference between OAuth and OpenID?

Simply put, OpenID is used for authentication while OAuth is used for authorization. OpenID was created for federated authentication, meaning that it lets a third-party application authenticate users for you using accounts that you already have.

1 Answers

This is why you can use OpenID delegation, i.e. you set up two META tags on your personal website and then you can use that site's URL as an alias for your current OpenID provider of choice. Should it get unfriendly you just switch to another and update your tags.

Additionally you can always operate your own OpenID identity provider (if you have a server with, for example, a web server and PHP on it). I use phpMyID for this.

Update: regarding the updated question: OpenID consumers (sites where you log in using OpenID) may allow you to switch the OpenID used for sign-on at their discretion. Sourceforge, for example, does. To prevent problems it's best to use delegation right from the start. Otherwise this is a necessary limitation imposed by OpenID's design.

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Jan Krüger Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 19:11

Jan Krüger