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OpenCV EAST Text detector implementation in Java




I am trying to convert the text detection example from the below page in Java. The original code is in C++.


But I am facing issues in converting the below lines (131-136 in the cpp file) in Java:

    const float* scoresData = scores.ptr<float>(0, 0, y);
    const float* x0_data = geometry.ptr<float>(0, 0, y);
    const float* x1_data = geometry.ptr<float>(0, 1, y);

I tried using every method from the openCV Mat class but most of them throw exceptions!

My code till now is as below:

    Net net = Dnn.readNet("C:\\frozen_east_text_detection.pb");

    Mat blob = Dnn.blobFromImage(resizedImg, 1.0, resizedImg.size(), new Scalar(123.68, 116.78, 103.94), true,
    List<Mat> outs = new ArrayList<>();
    net.forward(outs, LAYER_NAMES);

    Mat scores = outs.get(0);
    Mat geometry = outs.get(1);

    int numRows = scores.size(2);
    int numCols = scores.size(3);

    List<RotatedRect> boxes = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> confidences = new ArrayList<>();

    System.out.printf("numRows = %d\n", scores.size(2)); 
    System.out.printf("numCols = %d\n", scores.size(3));

I am not very familiar with pointers, but what I could understand is the scores native object seems to be a 4-D array, but it is a class in Java and there is no way in java to address a class with indices, like possible in C++ as shown, or in python as below (conversion of cpp program to python on another website):

for y in range(0, numRows):
    scoresData = scores[0, 0, y]
    xData0 = geometry[0, 0, y]
    xData1 = geometry[0, 1, y]
    xData2 = geometry[0, 2, y]
    xData3 = geometry[0, 3, y]
    anglesData = geometry[0, 4, y]
like image 429
inquizitive Avatar asked Nov 20 '18 21:11


People also ask

How do I use text to detect East?

The key highlights of EAST (Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector) are as follows: They propose a scene text detection method that consists of two stages: a Fully Convolutional Network and an NMS merging stage. The FCN directly produces text regions, excluding redundant and time-consuming intermediate steps.

Does Tesseract use East?

Results : The code uses OpenCV EAST model for text detection and tesseract for text recognition. PSM for the Tesseract has been set accordingly to the image. It is important to note that Tesseract normally requires a clear image for working well.

Which algorithm is used to detect text in images OpenCV?

In this article, we will learn how to use contours to detect the text in an image and save it to a text file. OpenCV package is used to read an image and perform certain image processing techniques. Python-tesseract is a wrapper for Google's Tesseract-OCR Engine which is used to recognize text from images.

1 Answers

Here is the equivalent code in Java that I found from this gist by berak:

Mat scoresData = scores.row(y);
Mat x0Data = geometry.submat(0, height, 0, width).row(y);
Mat x1Data = geometry.submat(height, 2 * height, 0, width).row(y);
Mat x2Data = geometry.submat(2 * height, 3 * height, 0, width).row(y);
Mat x3Data = geometry.submat(3 * height, 4 * height, 0, width).row(y);
Mat anglesData = geometry.submat(4 * height, 5 * height, 0, width).row(y);

Here is the complete text detection code in Java:

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.opencv.core.Core;
import org.opencv.core.*;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfByte;
import org.opencv.core.Scalar;
import org.opencv.core.Size;
import org.opencv.dnn.*;
import org.opencv.dnn.Dnn;
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs;
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
import org.opencv.utils.*;

public class SimpleSample {
    static {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        float scoreThresh = 0.5f;
        float nmsThresh = 0.4f;
        // Model from https://github.com/argman/EAST
        // You can find it here : https://github.com/opencv/opencv_extra/blob/master/testdata/dnn/download_models.py#L309
        Net net = Dnn.readNetFromTensorflow("c:/data/mdl/frozen_east_text_detection.pb");
        // input image
        Mat frame = Imgcodecs.imread("nantext.png");
        Imgproc.cvtColor(frame, frame, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2RGB);

        Size siz = new Size(320, 320);
        int W = (int)(siz.width / 4); // width of the output geometry  / score maps
        int H = (int)(siz.height / 4); // height of those. the geometry has 4, vertically stacked maps, the score one 1
        Mat blob = Dnn.blobFromImage(frame, 1.0,siz, new Scalar(123.68, 116.78, 103.94), true, false);
        List<Mat> outs = new ArrayList<>(2);
        List<String> outNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        net.forward(outs, outNames);

        // Decode predicted bounding boxes.
        Mat scores = outs.get(0).reshape(1, H);
        // My lord and savior : http://answers.opencv.org/question/175676/javaandroid-access-4-dim-mat-planes/
        Mat geometry = outs.get(1).reshape(1, 5 * H); // don't hardcode it !
        List<Float> confidencesList = new ArrayList<>();
        List<RotatedRect> boxesList = decode(scores, geometry, confidencesList, scoreThresh);

        // Apply non-maximum suppression procedure.
        MatOfFloat confidences = new MatOfFloat(Converters.vector_float_to_Mat(confidencesList));
        RotatedRect[] boxesArray = boxesList.toArray(new RotatedRect[0]);
        MatOfRotatedRect boxes = new MatOfRotatedRect(boxesArray);
        MatOfInt indices = new MatOfInt();
        Dnn.NMSBoxesRotated(boxes, confidences, scoreThresh, nmsThresh, indices);

        // Render detections
        Point ratio = new Point((float)frame.cols()/siz.width, (float)frame.rows()/siz.height);
        int[] indexes = indices.toArray();
        for(int i = 0; i<indexes.length;++i) {
            RotatedRect rot = boxesArray[indexes[i]];
            Point[] vertices = new Point[4];
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                vertices[j].x *= ratio.x;
                vertices[j].y *= ratio.y;
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                Imgproc.line(frame, vertices[j], vertices[(j + 1) % 4], new Scalar(0, 0,255), 1);
        Imgcodecs.imwrite("out.png", frame);

    private static List<RotatedRect> decode(Mat scores, Mat geometry, List<Float> confidences, float scoreThresh) {
        // size of 1 geometry plane
        int W = geometry.cols();
        int H = geometry.rows() / 5;

        List<RotatedRect> detections = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int y = 0; y < H; ++y) {
            Mat scoresData = scores.row(y);
            Mat x0Data = geometry.submat(0, H, 0, W).row(y);
            Mat x1Data = geometry.submat(H, 2 * H, 0, W).row(y);
            Mat x2Data = geometry.submat(2 * H, 3 * H, 0, W).row(y);
            Mat x3Data = geometry.submat(3 * H, 4 * H, 0, W).row(y);
            Mat anglesData = geometry.submat(4 * H, 5 * H, 0, W).row(y);

            for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x) {
                double score = scoresData.get(0, x)[0];
                if (score >= scoreThresh) {
                    double offsetX = x * 4.0;
                    double offsetY = y * 4.0;
                    double angle = anglesData.get(0, x)[0];
                    double cosA = Math.cos(angle);
                    double sinA = Math.sin(angle);
                    double x0 = x0Data.get(0, x)[0];
                    double x1 = x1Data.get(0, x)[0];
                    double x2 = x2Data.get(0, x)[0];
                    double x3 = x3Data.get(0, x)[0];
                    double h = x0 + x2;
                    double w = x1 + x3;
                    Point offset = new Point(offsetX + cosA * x1 + sinA * x2, offsetY - sinA * x1 + cosA * x2);
                    Point p1 = new Point(-1 * sinA * h + offset.x, -1 * cosA * h + offset.y);
                    Point p3 = new Point(-1 * cosA * w + offset.x,      sinA * w + offset.y); // original trouble here !
                    RotatedRect r = new RotatedRect(new Point(0.5 * (p1.x + p3.x), 0.5 * (p1.y + p3.y)), new Size(w, h), -1 * angle * 180 / Math.PI);
                    confidences.add((float) score);
        return detections;
like image 153
Stanley Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09
