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OpenCV cv::Mat set if




Is there a simple way to set all values in a cv::Mat to a given value if they fulfill some condition. For instance, I have CV_32FC1, and I want set all values which are 0 to 20. In MATLAB I would have simply done this:

M(M == 0) = 20;
like image 896
ahmadh Avatar asked May 09 '14 20:05


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1 Answers

You can use

cv::Mat mask = M == 0;
M.setTo(0.5, mask);

However, it includes using additional memory for creating mask, but is a solution using opencv API therefore can be applied to all matrix types. If you consider performance issues, you can always refer directly to Mat::data to optimize this solution for concrete matrix type.

like image 93
marol Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09
