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Open source minimal web server? [closed]





I am thinking of the next steps for a project I have written. It is currently a desktop application that controls a serial port device.

I am considering allowing browser clients to connect to some process to get "near real time" updates about the state, etc of the device. Possibly also allowing control from a browser client.

I'd rather not write my own webserver from scratch and this would be a very scaled down web server.

Any suggestions on where to look?

I'd prefer C++ or C# implementation.

like image 598
Tim Avatar asked Jan 20 '09 17:01


People also ask

Is a free open source web server?

Apache HTTP Web Server is one of the oldest and most popular web servers released back in 1995. It is a free and open source software maintained and developed by the Apache Software Foundation. As per the stats, around 34.1% of web applications and websites run on the Apache webserver.

What is open-source web server?

An open source web server is a public-domain software designed to deliver web pages over the World Wide Web. Like proprietary web server software, it runs on a computer that is connected to the internet uniquely identified by an IP address.

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Apache HTTP Server Apache is a free, open-source web server; developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). It is one of the most popular web servers around the world.

2 Answers

Here's another alternative I wrote last year and and has served me well.

EmbedIO: https://github.com/unosquare/embedio

I use it mostly to create RESTful services on the Raspberry Pi (soft-float). It's MIT licensed too.

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Mario Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 11:10


nginx is very lightweight and very scalable (e.g. see Wordpress's story for a high-profile case). POSIX-only.

like image 42
orip Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10
