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open google maps to bus directions

I realise that you can open the google maps app ready for directions by doing something like this:

NSString* urlString = @"http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=London+UK&daddr=Birmingham+UK";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: urlString]];

But is there a parameter I can add to automatically switch to bus directions? Apple's developer document doesn't seem to mention anything about it:


like image 815
rustyshelf Avatar asked Jun 29 '09 07:06


1 Answers

From MapKiWiki:

dirflg Route type:

  • dirflg=h - Switches on "Avoid Highways" route finding mode.
  • dirflg=t - Switches on "Avoid Tolls" route finding mode.
  • dirflg=r - Switches on "Public Transit" - only works in some areas.
  • dirflg=w - Switches to walking directions - still in beta.
  • dirflg=d - Switches to driving directions.

So your URL:

NSString* urlString = @"http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=London+UK&daddr=Birmingham+UK";


NSString* urlString = @"http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=London+UK&daddr=Birmingham+UK&dirflg=r";

N.B. The data supporting public transit route types are not always available. I tried the area you used in your sample (London, Birmingham) and found it was not supported.

like image 127
RedBlueThing Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11
