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Open Alteryx .yxdb file in Python?

Is there a way to import .yxdb (Alteryx database files) into Pandas/Python, without using Alteryx as a go-between?

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user1566200 Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 03:03


2 Answers

The short answer is no, not at this time.

Longer answer: the raw C++ for .yxdb support is available on github, as it was open sourced in order to adhere to R licensing when Alteryx hooked into R. See this link where Ned Harding explains it all in his blog. So basically, everything is there for someone to build Python support by utilizing the open source C++ ... but nobody has done so just yet.

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johnjps111 Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 06:03


Not python specific, a YXDB to SQLite DB command line based on the C++ library open sourced by Alteryx.


  • Not a Python module: use subprocess to invoke the command, then pandas/sqlite3 to read from the SQLite database file.
  • Read YXDB into SQLite only: write to YXDB not implemented (altough the alteryx library would allow it)

Disclaimer: I'm the author of the fork.

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Claude Cochet Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 06:03

Claude Cochet