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Open activity by clicking on the push notification from Parse

I want to receive a push notification from Parse and open an List activity and use intent.putextra("dataFromParse") before starting the activity. I'm able to receive the push but only open the MainActivity by using this:

PushService.setDefaultPushCallback(this, MainActivity.class);

I want to have this as the default, but should also be able to start the List activity. I have also tried using a customer receiver, but then I'm only able to directly open the activity when receiving the push, not when clicking it.


<receiver android:name="com.example.Push android:exported="false">
        <action android:name="com.example.UPDATE_STATUS" />


public class Push extends BroadcastReceiver {

  public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
      //Start activity

The thing I'm not sure about is how I should capture the push in the background and say that it should open the List activity with the specific intent.putExtra("dataFromParse") when the user clicks the notification. Where should I code it and how? In the MainActivity, in the List activity, or do something other with the customer receiver?

like image 343
stianboe Avatar asked Apr 03 '14 15:04


People also ask

How does push notification work on Android?

How do Android push notifications work? Push notifications travel from app creators to app users' devices, and if users interact, messages travel back. App creators can't just send notifications to any Android device.

2 Answers

Solved it, having default activity as MainActivity, but checking the intent, and if there is something in "com.parse.Data" I will start a new intent.

Intent intent = getIntent();
Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
String jsonData = extras.getString("com.parse.Data");
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonData);
String pushStore = json.getString("data");
if(pushStore!=null) {
    Intent pushIntent = new Intent();
    pushIntent.setClassName(MainActivity.this, "package.name.List");
    pushIntent.putExtra("store", pushStore);

Then just send a push with json: { "alert" : "Test", "data" : "store1" }

@arvindwill Hope this will help.

like image 200
stianboe Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 04:11


Try this ... it works perfectly....

try {
        Intent intent = getIntent();
        Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
        if (extras != null) {
            String jsonData = extras.getString("com.parse.Data");
            JSONObject json;
            json = new JSONObject(jsonData);
            String pushStore = json.getString("alert");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
like image 44
Sanni Heruwala Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 05:11

Sanni Heruwala