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onsen-ui background images like on http://onsen.io/



Figured this would be somewhere on the site since all 3 example images are like that:

enter image description here

Maybe its done with phonegap? No worries there.

I tried setting the ons-navigator and various items to transparent, background colors all over, etc.

Anyone know how to set the background to look like their examples?

  • I should note I am using a carousel and list, its not just a regular page, but the menu, list, carousel items etc all show background colors.
like image 778
Will Bowman Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 18:12

Will Bowman

2 Answers

The framework uses it own css rules logic to make certain things work.

I just started working with the framework recently so I don't have all the answers or if this is the proper way to achieve a full screen background image but it worked for my project :)

JcDenton86 got me started in the right direction, thanks.

<ons-page modifier="full_bg">

The proper way to add background rules to <ons-page>:

.page--full_bg__background {
    background: url('img/bg.jpg');

This only adds the background image to the page element but the navigation-bar sits on top of the page element, so you have to add styles to make it transparent, then you'll be able to see the background on entire screen.

.page-full_bg > .navigation-bar {
    background-color: transparent; 

enter image description here

like image 168
Bruce Lim Avatar answered Jan 07 '23 03:01

Bruce Lim

I was looking for a way to have a custom image as background for my app using Onsen UI. Finally, managed to do it by using the modifier attribute on <ons-page> element. For instance

<ons-page modifier="appbcg">

And then add CSS rules for the class:

.page--appbcg__background {}

The same applies for buttons, list etc.

like image 39
JcDenton86 Avatar answered Jan 07 '23 04:01
