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Only Name File with Extension in Windows

I am trying to create a file in Windows XP that is only the extension (".classpath" and ".project"). While my Linux box handles this appropriately, Windows gives me the error, "You must type a file name."

Any suggestions how to do this? I am attempting to setup an Eclipse project where I can bring in the classpath and project files from someone else's setup and I keep getting the above error.

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JasCav Avatar asked Aug 31 '09 13:08


People also ask

How do I hide extensions for known file types?

First, open Windows Explorer and click the Organise button towards the top left, then choose Folder and search options from the menu. Next, click the View tab in the window that opens and scroll down until you find the box marked Hide file extensions for known file types.

How do I show the filename in a name?

Click Tools, and then click Folder Options. Scroll down and then click Folder and search options. Click the View tab. Scroll down until you notice Hide extensions for known file types, un-check this line by clicking the check box.

1 Answers

Just name your file with additional dot at the end: ".ext." explorer will remove additional dot and you'll get .ext file.

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Alex Lapa Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10

Alex Lapa